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One week later.

Jaemin and I decided to tell Taeyong since we both think he's the most trustworthy one. Also, I don't think I want to tell my brother yet.

I walked into 127 practice room kinda nervous but I know it would make me feel better to know.

"Taeyong," I called out for him.

"Yes, " He walked towards me.

"I need to talk to you in private," I said looking behind him seeing 127 turning their heads like that wasn't listening except for my brother he was more curious. He then looked at me and nod and we walked out. He followed me to another room where Jaemin was waiting. Taeyong looked at Jaemin and me.

"What's wrong?" He asked and Jaemin and I looked at each other, but before we could answer. "Ah I see" he smiled at us.

"See what?" Jaemin question.

"You two are dating," He said pointing his finger back and forward between Jaemin and me. Jaemin and I nod. "I knew it Jaehyun owes me" He cheered.

"You can't tell the others," I shook my head worried.

"Why not?" Taeyong question.

"Y/N is scared of what the members might think," Jaemin answered.

"Y/N don't need to worry about that everyone will be happy for you guys. You shouldn't worry about anyone's opinions but yours anyways. If you guys are happy it's all that it matters," Taeyong smiled at me.

"Thank you," I smiled and he smiled back. "But can we keep it between us for now?" I look at him.

"Yes, it's your relationship and I respect it I won't tell a soul," He placed his hand on his chest.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"So how long?" He asked.

"A week" Jaemin smiled proudly and I nod with a shy smile.

"You guys have been keeping it a secret for a week I can't believe you haven't got caught yet," He said surprised.

"I know it's hard with the dreamis always around us," Jaemin agrees with him.

"You'll be fine, but I have to get back to practice ill see you guys later," He said.

"Later," Jaemin and I said.

"I feel better, " I smiled looking at Jaemin.

"See I told you, you had nothing to worry about," He smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him. Then the door opened I jumped making Jaemin let me go.

"There you guys are," Renjun said not caring why we were here by ourselves.

"What's up?" Jaemin asked clearing his throat.

"We were waiting on you guys to go down to the coffee," He tells us.

"We're coming," I said walking towards him and Jaemin followed. We walked to the elevator.

"What were you guys doing in there anyway?" Renjun asked looking at both of us. Jaemin and I looked at each other.

"Umm Y/N was helping me with some English," Jaemin answered and I nod.

"Oh ok," He simply answers.


"Y/N can you help me with some English later?" Haechan asked me.

"Yeah of course" I smiled nodding.

"Why can't you ask Mark for once? She's here on vacation you know," Jaemin told Haechan, and all eyes were on him.

"It's okay I don't mind," I told Jaemin before Haechan could say anything and he looks at me.

"You don't have to feel obligated," He tells me.

"I don't and it's fun you guise English accents are cute," I smiled making the guys smile.

"Who has the cutes accent?" Haechan questions acting cute looking at me.

"Jisung," I said and Haechan gasp making everyone laugh except for Jisung who was shocked.

"Me?" Jisung looks at me with wide eyes.

"Yes," I nod with a smile and I felt Jaemin's eyes on me but I ignored him on purpose.


I was at the dreamis dorm it was late. I was with Haechan trying to teach him some words, but he's more interested in asking me a question and making jokes.

"Do you like haunted houses?" Haechan questions me randomly.

"It's really scary and I wouldn't go alone and you might have to drag me in, but in the end, I just laugh it off and it's pretty fun" I answered.

"So you get scared easily?" He asked.

"I thought I was supposed to help you with English?" I looked at him seriously.

"I know but I got bored," He said laying back on the bed. "What kinda guys do you like?" He asks and my eyes widen.

"Why do you ask?" I asked.

"Just wondering. Like a guy like Jaemin or you know is one of us your type," He shrugged sitting back up and looking at me.

"I'm not answering that," I told him shaking my head.

"Tell me," He said and before I could escape he started tickling me.

"Haechan!" I squealed while laughing. Then we heard a cough, Haechan stop and I looked to see Jaemin.

"What's up?" Haechan asked.

"The rest of us are going to watch a movie if you want to join," Jaemin said looking at us.

"Yeah," Haechan said standing up and walking off.

"Don't need to say anything I know Haechan?" Jaemin said looking at me as I walked up to him.

"So your not mad or jealous?" I looked at him.

"Why would I be? I know your mine" He smirked. I rolled my eyes smiling.

"I'm pretty sure you were jealous that I called Jisung cute earlier," I smirked walking stepping closer to him.

"You're cute, you really think that I was jealous," He said grabbing my chin gently. We looked into each other eyes and it was like I could control my body anymore. My body leaned forward as his did too.

"Y/N Jaemin are you guys coming?" We heard Chenle making us back off each other.

"Yes, " We both answered before walking back to the leaving area.

I sat down beside Jeno and Jaemin sat beside me putting a blanket on us. Jisung turns off the lights. Setting back down beside Chenle and Renjun, Haechan was beside Jeno. Jaemin grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers under the blanket. About halfway through the movie, I laid my head on Jeno's shoulder not wanting to make it obvious between Jaemin and me. Jeno looked at me but then went back to the movie unbothered. Five minutes later I was nudged by Jaemin. I smiled a little before scouting over to him letting go of his hand and laying my head on his shoulder cuddling up to him.

"Better" He whispered before kissing the top of my head secretly.

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