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I rolled over realizing Jaemin is gone. I open my eyes and sat up looking over Renjun's bed and he was gone too. They must have got an early schedule. I looked for my phone but it wasn't there I guess I left it in the living room. I walked out of the room to hear the shower on. I walked into the main room seeing Chenle and Jisung half asleep on the couch.

"Morning, " I said sitting by them on the couch Jisung failed onto my shoulder.

"Morning, " Chenle answered.

"Jaemin Hyung are you done?" Jisung asked towards the kitchen.

"Almost, " He answered.

"Y/N is wake by the way, " Chenle informed Jaemin.

"Y/N, " Jaemin called and I smiled getting up walking into the kitchen. Seeing my boyfriend making breakfast.

"Morning, " I backed hug him.

"You knew exactly why I called you, " He turned around to face me before Kissing my forehead. "Morning angle," He said and I let go of him so he can finish since a hungry child is waiting.

"Morning Jaemin morning angel, " Haechan smirked. "You two are so cute, " He comments with an evil smirk.

"You're dealing with this one I have to go to the bathroom, " I said about to walk away.

"Renjun is in the bathroom and you can't leave me with him that's just mean, " Jaemin pouted.

"I'm still here, " Haechan points out.

"We know, " Jaemin and I said at the same time making us laugh.

"You better not tell anybody or I'm going to hurt you, " I warned Haechan.

"Aww, but I wanted to tease you guys, " He whines.

"After we tell Johnny, " I told him.

"We are going to tell Johnny, " Jaemin said looking at me surprised.

"When he gets back it's only fair for him to know since we been together for a little over a month, " I said looking at him.

"You guys been together for a month and I didn't know, " Haechan said surprised. "I can't believe Jaemin kept his hands off you...that sounds wrong sorry what I meant to say-

"We get it don't worry, breakfast is done, " Jaemin said cutting off Haechan.

"Honestly you picket a good one he thinks he's still a baby but I think he's a good boyfriend. I mean he's not me but good choice, " Haechan said making me laugh.


127 is back and I'm kinda nervous to tell Johnny. I don't know how he would react. Everyone that knows took it good so far. I'm with 127 at the moment but I'm not going to tell Johnny till Jaemin is here. Unfortunately, the dreamis are gone for the world scoot foundation. They won't come back till tomorrow I think but still, then they have a schedule tomorrow.

"What are you thinking about, " Mark asked in English sitting by me.

"Just sad that I'll be leaving in a month to go back to school," I sigh.

"Aren't you graduating tho, " He looked at me.

"Yup I can't wait, " I smiled.

"Hopefully we don't have a schedule that day so I can come to see you, " Johnny said joining the conversation.

"If you don't get too I get it as long as you face time me I'll be fine, " I reassured him because I know he might think I'll be upset if he didn't come.

"Y/N, " Taeyong said walking in.

"Yes?" I looked at him.

"Managernim said that you're distracting the dreamis so you'll have to stay with us for the rest of the time you're here, " He said with a frown.

"Oh...ok, " I said a little upset. I know I'll be able to see them at the dorms but not as much anymore.

"That's stupid, she not distracting them at all, " Doyoung complaint.

"You know how they are, " Johnny sigh talking about the manager and the staff.

"Are we going back to the dorms?" I asked since it was late and they weren't practicing anymore and the boys were kinda just spread out around the SM building.

"What time is it?" Mark said looking for his phone.

"2 am, " Doyoung said looking at his phone.

"Yah let's get back y/n needs her rests, " Taeyong said.

"And you guys too, " I pointed out. They have been working none stop for the past weeks.

"Yes, but we are used to it and your not, " Johnny said as we walked out of the practice room.

"I can deal with staying up late, " I informed my brother following him.


As I turned off my phone, my phone rang I quickly answer to not wake up Taeil and Yuta.

"Hello?" I question since I didn't look who it's was.

"Hey, " I heard Jaemin instantly making me smile, but I still had to scull him for almost waking up the boys.

"Tell me when you're going to call me you could've woken up Taeil and Yuta, " I whispered yelled but not in a mean way.

"Sorry I just wanted to tell you goodnight," He said cutely.

"It's fine, how was it?" I asked about the event.

"It was really fun, " He admits. "How was your day?"

"Great except for the news I got earlier, " I frown thinking about it.

"What news?" He asked a little concerned.

"I can't stay with you guys during schedules, " I pouted.

"It's ok we still each other at the dorms, " He said trying to look on the good side.

"Yeah, when are you guys are going to be back?" I question him.

"Miss me already, " He chuckled.

"More like you miss me, you're the one who called me, " I said and he laughed.

"Only because I knew you were missing me, " I could see his smirk from here.

"Mmmh sure, " I had the biggest smile on my face I probably looked stupid.

"I'm sad I don't get my goodnight kiss, " he said and I chuckled.

"When you get back you will get more than one," I told him.

"Can't wait, " he hummed. "I'll let you sleep tho you need your rest, goodnight princess, " He says softly.

"Goodnight babe, " I respond.

"I don't want to hang up, " He pouted and I laughed but then stop myself since there were sleeping men in the room.

"Bye Jaemin, " I chuckled before hanging up.

Then I got a text

Jae💗💗: how dare you hang up on your boyfriend

Me: oops ❤

Jae💗💗: will talk about it tomorrow goodnight❤

Me: night❤

What's your favorite type of breakfast food?

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