Chapter Two

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Bold refers to Chiko's speaking.

Bold and Italic refers to Chiko speak through Jinyoung. (why I always make things complicated?😑)



Little Jinyoung ran while wiping his tears off. Every day, his mom would pick him at school even though his school was quite close to his house. But that day, Jinyoung couldn't wait for his mom any longer. Right after the bell rang, he ran straight away from the school and went home. The reason why he did that because he wanted to avoid the other kids that he called 'bad friend'. Jinyoung thought they were his friends, but they're always called him bad names and sometimes liked to push him around. At first, he thought that was how friends played around each other but as time went by, it just got worse and Jinyoung hated it. So, he wanted to stay away from them. But, when he was at the gate, that group of kids found him, and they started to make fun of Jinyoung until the latter cried. When he was almost reached his house, he saw his mom walking towards him. Her face was in total shocked when she saw her son was running toward her and crying.

"Jinyoung, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Why don't you wait for me at school?" his mom asked.

"Mom, I don't want to be friend with them. They always call me bad names. They are bad friends." Jinyoung cried while he jumped into his mom's embrace.

His mom hugged him and sighed. She knew that would happen. Other kids would pick on Jinyoung because her son was special. Even though he was just seven years old, he was placed into the class with the students that were two years older than him because he was so clever. And being the little one in the class that full of nine years old kids that very...wild, she knew they're gonna bullied him. She was actually against it in the first place when the teacher said that Jinyoung was too advance to sit in the class with other kids that were the same age as him. Her son who didn't understand what was happening right away agreed to change class because he was just too excited but she's still with her mind. And finally, the teacher succeeded in convincing the mother and Jinyoung changed his class.

And now, what she predicted had already happened and there's nothing she could do. She broke the hug and brought her son home. When they arrived, she gave him chocolate and sweets so that he could get better and it's worked. For Jinyoung, anything could be solved with the help of the chocolate. Jinyoung entered his room and pouted angrily at Chiko. The fox could just look at the boy.

"Why you don't help me when they called me bad names? You said that you will protect me? You just watched them laugh at me and do nothing." Jinyoung folded his little arms, wanted to show that he's indeed really angry.

"If I helped you back then, you will never be strong. I said I will protect you when you are in danger, not getting bully. You have to face that all by yourselves."


"The bad things they do to you is called a bully. And if you don't defend yourselves, then it will get worse."

"I-I thought they're my friends. Why they do that to me?"

"Because they are jealous of you. Look how well you do in school. You always get the best in exam even though you are younger than them. The reason why they do all the bad things to you is that they want to feel better than you in some way. Jealousy. One of the sicknesses in this cruel world. Jinyoung, that's not how you overcome jealousy. If you are jealous of someone, try to be better than them by improving yourselves, not doing bad things like bully them. That will corrupt your pure heart."

"You talk too much, you know." Jinyoung said and Chiko rolled his eyes.


It was recess and Jinyoung was sitting on a bench in the garden behind the school, eating his sandwich in peace. Chiko appeared beside him and climbed onto Jinyoung's shoulder. The boy didn't complain anything because he knew that his shoulder somehow had become Chiko's favorite spot to sit.

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