Chapter Eleven

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New school. New life. Let's have a fresh start. You can do it, Im Jaebum!

Jaebum said to himself as he stepped his feet into the new school he got transferred today. He stood at the gate and looked at the big white building in front of him. As he walked in, he got a few stares at him. Well, the new student thing. He just ignored them and focused on the most difficult task, finding the office in that enormous building on his first day. When he was about to reach the front door, someone fell in front of him and he felt something hot on his shoe. Looking down, he saw a boy laying flat on his stomach while holding a cup of coffee. But the cup was half full. He looked at his shoe and was about to kick the boy's head with his fullest strength. But, he stopped his intention by closing his eyes and took deep breaths.

It was his first day at this school. He should give a positive vibe to the other students. But, the boy in front of him was not having it. His mom reminded him multiple times to not showed his tantrum on his first day at school and he had to obey it.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" the boy said.

He got up and took out a tissue from his backpack and wiped the coffee on Jaebum's shoe. Jaebum gained a lot of stares again as the boy kept apologizing over and over at him. He just stood there as he looked at the boy sitting on the ground, wiping his shoe. The boy stood up as he thought he's done cleaning the shoe but in reality, it just became worst. Jaebum's light grey shoe had become dark brown thanked him. Jaebum looked at the boy with his pissed off face.

"Please don't hit me. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry!" the boy brought his hands together, begging for Jaebum's forgiveness.

Jaebum bit his inner cheek and walked past him, intentionally collided their shoulders together. It's a warning from Jaebum to stay away from him while he had his chance. But the boy seemed like didn't understand it. So, he followed Jaebum while apologizing over and over. And that's it. Jaebum lost his patience. He grabbed the boy by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Luckily, the corridor was still empty. The boy was so terrified just by looking at his face.

"Stay away from me if you don't want me to beat your ass." Jaebum growled.

"But I just spilled my coffee on your shoe. Please forgive me. I'll do anything to return the favor but don't beat me." the boy said. His voice shaking.

"Then, do this. Stay the fuck away from me." Jaebum released the collar and walked away.

After a whole ten minutes of wandering around, Jaebum finally found the office. After he got all the stuff that he needed, he proceeded to his first class, Math. God save me, please. He sighed. His class was on the third floor, so he walked slowly so that he could arrive late. Again, the excuse of being a new student on the first day.

When he arrived in front of the classroom, he took a deep breath before knocked on the door. He heard a voice, he assumed as the teacher, calling him to come in. Stepping into the class, all eyes on him. Some of them were stunned by how good looking Jaebum was but the boy didn't acknowledge it. He considered himself as an average, so the stares made him quite uncomfortable.

"New student?" the teacher asked.

"Ah yes." He bowed a bit.

"Introduce yourselves to the class." The teacher said as he leaned on the table.

Jaebum stood in front of the class and looked around. His eyes fell on someone and he sighed. The same boy from before, the one that spilled the coffee on his shoe. The boy excitedly waved at him, but he ignored it.

"Hi. My name is Im Jaebum. You can call me Jaebum. Nice to meet you." He bowed.

"Okay, Jaebum. You can sit beside Jackson over there... The one that waving his hand at you." The teacher said. And Jaebum mentally whined.

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