Chapter Eight

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The shout could be heard throughout the floor. With a red face, the manager, Mr. Wang, rubbed his temple, trying to control his anger. He didn't care about the life-threatening incident last night. All he cared was the document that had been stolen. Mr. Park bowed for the hundredth times today. It's not his fault but he still had to apologize. He was worried to death right now about Jinyoung. Was he alright? Did he wake up yet? What if something to him?

After he informed about the stolen situation, the company wanted him to report about it immediately. He wanted to stay with his son until the latter woke up, but the company insisted him. When he arrived, all he got were shouts. Every time he spoke about how the burglars tried to hurt his family, he only got more shouts as an answer. Yeah, it's true that the document about the project cost billions won but if someone died last night, could they repay that? You could find a fountain of gold, but you couldn't find a fountain of life.

"You're lucky that I can't fire you. Your skills are valuable to the company." Mr. Wang said.


The scarlet eyes still lingering inside Mrs. Park's mind. How Jinyoung looked at them with that intimidating eyes before passed out. Things got more messed up right now. His husband told her about the company and all she could think of was Jinyoung's prophecy. What if it's all true? Six years have passed but it didn't mean that it would never happen.

They were now heading home after discharged Jinyoung from the hospital. What's weird was the doctor said that their son was totally fine but why did Jinyoung look so pale right now? Dark circles around his eyes. And he looked a bit skinny. He looked... sick.

"Jinyoung, are you okay?" his mother asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

Jinyoung answered while staring blankly outside. There's no emotion in his eyes and Mrs. Park just got more worried. When they arrive home, Jinyoung walked slowly into the house. Something in his mind but no one knew what. Chiko was missing the whole time. From the moment Jinyoung woke up until now.

"You can skip school for a while if you want. It's okay. The school will understand." The father said. Jinyoung looked at his father lifelessly and nodded.

He entered his room and laid on the bed. He stared at the ceiling while thinking 'where the fuck is that darn fox?'. There was a lot of questions that Jinyoung wanted Chiko to give the answer. He didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't know what to explain to his parents. A knock on the door brought him back to the world. His father entered his room. He sat at the edge of the bed.

"How are you?" the father asked.

"Fine." Jinyoung sat up and looked down.

"Things got pretty messed up right?"


"Mom said you're agreed to go to that hospital. Why?"

"I just don't want to make you guys about me anymore."

"I actually don't like that idea. But you know how stubborn your mom is."

Silence filled between them. There were so many things Jinyoung wanted to say to his parents, but he couldn't. He really wanted to be transparent with them. It's crystal clear that they were growing apart and Jinyoung hated it so much. Why they couldn't be like when he was a kid? Why couldn't he just tell his parents about Chiko?


Few months passed, and Jinyoung's graduation day was around the corner. They didn't talk about that incident anymore. Basically, wanted to forget about it. Jinyoung told Chiko to minimize their communication as much as possible. He didn't want his parents to suspect him even more.

CHIKO (GOT7 JJP) | Jaebum x JinyoungWhere stories live. Discover now