Chapter Thirteen

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~back to after Jinyoung met Jaebum for the first time~

Today, the hospital let their patients spent their time on top of the rooftop. It was like a small garden full of trees and beautiful flowers. Jinyoung loved being there. It made him felt free. Mark sure gonna loved it here. Speaking of the boy, Jinyoung didn't see him at all in the past two days. Where was he? Did they lock him up in his room again? Chiko came and sat on his shoulder.

"I want to meet him again." Jinyoung said.

"Jaebum?" Chiko asked and Jinyoung hummed.

"I keep thinking about him. His smile is so beautiful. When he looked at me, I felt something weird inside of me. His hand felt so good. It fits perfectly with mine. It must feel good if cuddle with him." Jinyoung smiled thinking about the boy.

"Someone falls in love."

"Am I? Is that how it feels to fall in love?" Jinyoung blushed.

"But, we're both guys. There's no way he's gonna like me back. With that face, he must have a lot of girls chasing him."

"Love has no limit. It doesn't mean you're both men, you can't fall in love. Trust me. From the way he looked at you, he definitely likes you too."

"H-how can you be so sure?" Jinyoung blushed deeper.

Suddenly, a pair of hands wrapped around Jinyoung's waist from behind. It made Jinyoung caught off guard and turned around. Sadly, he met face to face with a crying Mark. The boy sat in front of Jinyoung and cupped his face with his hands, crying even more. Jinyoung took Mark's hands and tightened his grip.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jinyoung asked with a comforting voice.

"They- they locked me inside that room. I hate it. Hate it so much." Mark's voice and hands were shaking.

Jinyoung grabbed Mark and brought him into a hug. The latter cried at Jinyoung's shoulder. Jinyoung moved back and forth, comforting his friend. After a while, Mark started to calm down. He's stopped crying.

"Why they put you there?" Jinyoung asked.

"I saw it again. There was a lot. How can I recover? How can I get out of this hell the same time as you if I keep seeing things? This place really drives me crazy." Mark about to cry again.

"You will be cured. You will get out of here. Trust me. You can do it, Mark." Jinyoung shook Mark's shoulders.

They spent the remaining time on the rooftop with Jinyoung comforting his fragile friend. Mark is his friend. Jinyoung had to help him. But deep inside, Jinyoung was hurt too. He always the one who comforting people around him, but no one was there to comfort him. He also needed someone to lean on. Someone to help him get survived this hell. Not to be ungrateful but Chiko alone was not enough. And Jinyoung didn't want the latter to know it. Not even Chiko. After sending Mark to his room, Jinyoung let out a deep sigh.

"How about we take Mark for a walk tonight?" Jinyoung suggested.

"And blow out my secret. No thanks." Chiko totally disagreed.

"But look at him. He's been stuck in here for one year. No contact with the outside world at all."

"Trust me. It's for his own good. He's sick. Not like you. Going outside will make it worse for him." Chiko defended.

Jinyoung scoffed and walked to his room. When he entered his room, he saw a few books on his bed. Doctor Kim must be the one who did this. She knew how much Jinyoung loved to read. Placing the books nicely on the small tables beside his bed, he took one and started to dive into it. The books were so good, Jinyoung couldn't stop reading. He would sit beside the window until his butt hurt only to move to his bed. Nothing could stop him from finishing his book. Well, there's one thing that could stop him. Chiko mentioning Jaebum's name. It was already dawn when Jinyoung closed the book. He's been reading for hours but what's new right? It's because Chiko asked if he wanted to meet Jaebum or not. And the boy instantly agreed with it.

CHIKO (GOT7 JJP) | Jaebum x JinyoungWhere stories live. Discover now