Chapter Thirty-One

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"Let's go home." Jinyoung said while caressing Jaebum's hair.

He held the latter's hand and they walked to the car, led by Jackson. When they exited the hospital, it was raining heavily. The whole ride home was silent. No word was exchanged between them. Jaebum rested his head on Jinyoung's shoulder. Jinyoung played with his boyfriend's hand. They arrived at the apartment but the rain still pouring heavily. Jaebum just walked lifelessly into his room. He sat on his bed as he stared blankly at the wall. Jinyoung entered and joined the latter, resting his head on Jaebum's shoulder.

"I need some time to be alone." Jaebum said, monotone.

"Okay... if you need anything, I'm in my room." Jinyoung smiled sadly and stood up.

"I'm sorry." Jaebum looked at Jinyoung.

"It's okay." Jinyoung kissed his boyfriend's forehead before he left.

A few hours passed and still no respond from Jaebum. Jinyoung went to the latter's room to check on him. He just assumed that Jaebum was already fell asleep but when he entered the room, there was no sign of him.

"Jaebummie?" he called but no response.

He wandered around the room. still no Jaebum. He went out and searched around the house, Jaebum went missing. Jinyoung started to feel worried. He ran to Jackson's room and called the latter.

"Jackson! Jaebum is gone." He knocked on the door.

"He didn't come home yet? I saw him left the house just now." Jackson said.

"But it is raining outside." Jinyoung was already worried about the latter.

"Let him be. He always likes that when something bad happens to him. Just give him time. He will come home eventually." Jackson tried to convince Jinyoung.

Jackson closed the door and left Jinyoung, worrying to death about his boyfriend who just left without informing him. He wanted to go find the latter, but he didn't know where Jaebum went. So, he grabbed a towel and an umbrella and waited outside the apartment building. The sudden thunder startled him a bit.

"Jaebummie... where are you? Don't make me worry please." He said to himself.

After 30 minutes of standing outside, Jinyoung saw a figure walking toward him. As he looked closely, he ran toward the figure. It was Jaebum, soaked with the rain. He didn't use any umbrella at all. Jinyoung could see the latter shivering from cold because he only wore a thin sweater. Jaebum looked down when Jinyoung stood in front of him, brought him under the umbrella.

"Jaebummie..." Jinyoung sighed as he grabbed the latter's hand.

They both entered their house and Jinyoung grabbed the towel he placed on the table beside the front door. He dried Jaebum's hair and told him to go to the bathroom. Jaebum silently followed the order. Jinyoung took a clean pajama and went to the bathroom. Only to find out that Jaebum just stood there, staring at the mirror.

"Jaebummie, take a quick shower and change into this. I don't want you to catch a cold." Jinyoung said and waited outside the bathroom, not believing that Jaebum actually listened to him.

After a few seconds of silence, the sound of the shower started to be heard. Jinyoung sighed and went to Jaebum's room. He cleaned up the slightly messy room while waiting for his boyfriend to finish. After a while, he heard the door opened and closed. Jinyoung still continued with organizing the books.

"You want to eat something? I can prepare it if you want." Jinyoung said, not looking at his boyfriend.

Suddenly, a pair of hands snaked around his waist from behind. Jaebum rested his head on Jinyoung's shoulder and tightened the hug. They stayed like that for a while before Jinyoung turned around. He cupped the latter's face and kissed Jaebum on the lips.

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