Chapter 1

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~Lucy's POV~

I step out of my apartment and feel the warm sun on my skin. I yawn really loudly and get a few awkward glances from some people passing by.

"I'm so tired..." I say while yawning again.

I start walking down the street munching on some toast I made before I left. I walk over the bridge and I over here a few fisher men talking.

"Simone I got a big salmon yesterday!" One of the men said.

"Lucky you...." The other man mumbled, his voice sounding annoyed.

I kept on walking for a moment, but stop in my tracks.

"Wait a minute!" I thought to myself, slightly panicked.

"How did I hear what that man said?! ? He whispered that!!"

I thought to myself in confusion. Calming my self down I shrug it off and keep walking.

Something sweet filled the air. I sniffed and muttered to myself.

"Strawberry cake.... Ezra's favorite.." I sighed.

"Hold on!!" I yelled in my head.

"The cake shop is three blocks from here! how can I smell the cake?" I thought to myself, even more panicked this time.

"This is wired" I said aloud.

"What's weird?"

A familiar girls voice said behind me. "Oh good morning Wendy"

"Mornin!" She said smiling.

We started walking together to our guild, Fairy Tail.

" Soo what's weird?" Wendy asked me with a questing look.

"Oh it's nothing" I say waving my hands in dismissal.

"Okay...?" She said, raising an eyebrow but in the end shrugging it off.

We approached the doors of Fairy Tail and open them.

I sigh "The same as always." I said

So? was it good? ok no? XD its my first time writing so im sorry if its boring! T_T and i will say this it might take a while until we get to any Nalu or Gale,Rowen ect so please bear with me!! Love you all see you in the next chapter!! and sorry for any spelling or grammar mishaps! bai minna!

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