Chapter 15

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Hey minna!!! im baCK! thank you all so much for waiting for me! i had a great time on my trip with my family! and i happy to be posting a new chapter! so with out further ado here it is!
~Normal POV~

After the pumpkin festival the guild boasted about Halloween for weeks until they finally calmed down.

And sense Lucy came back, the guild had returned to normal, and Lucy got her hair cut back to the way it was and put it back into pigtails.

Cana drank again.

Elfman talked about being a MAN again.

Levy smiles.

But one thing that needs to change hasn't.

Two dense Dragon Slayers,
For one another.

Witch is driving a white haired barmaid insane.

"Why can't they just tell each other and date already?!" Mirajane yelled to a blue haired Soiled Script mage.

"They're both to dense for they're own good Mira" Levy said not taking her eyes away from her book.

"How do we "undense" them?" Mira asked.

"Don't asked me. Why dont you asked them yourself?" Levy said pointing to the two dragon slayers talking on the other side of the guild.

"Ok I will" Mira said and walked over to the two, then slammed her hands on the table they were sitting at.

"Yes Mira?" The blonde asked.

Mira took a deep breath.

"WHY ARE THE TWO OF YOU SO DAMN DENSE?!" The white haired Mage screamed at the blonde and the pinkette casing them, and the rest of the dragon slayers to wince and cover they're ears.

"Mira please don't scream." Lucy pleaded.

"And what the hell do you mean by "So damn dense"? Natsu asked.

"I mean you two are to dense to relies your feelings for each other!" Mira yelled.

"WHAT?!" Natsu and Lucy said and unison as they stood up blushing.

"It's true!" Levy yelled.

"Juvia thinks so!" Juvia joined in.

"The love story of the dense dragons!" Gray yelled.

"Yeah!" Erza yelled.

"Your one to agree Erza! I saw you with Jellal at the pumpkin festival!"
Levy yelled.

"What?!" Erza shouted.

"Levy don't try to change to topic off of Lucy and Natsu!" Gray yelled.

"Don't you guys dare start with that wedding crap again!" Natsu yelled as the guild began teasing.

"Mira! I have an idea!" The blue
exceed shouted and flew over to Mira and whispered something to her.

"WHAT?! How did you get that?" Mira asked with an exited look on her face.

"My little secret" happy giggled and flew out of the guild.

Mira started giggling evilly and glancing over at the two dragon slayers who were not at all pleased with the way she looked.

"She's planing something with Happy"
Natsu told Lucy.

"I bet it has to do with us" Lucy grumbled

" I guess we have to wait and find out" Natsu shrugged and they went back to talking.

But not long after....the blue exceed snuck back in the guild without anyone noticing. He walked over to Mira and showed her what he told her about and her face lit up and she nodded to Happy.

The blue cat flew up above the two dragon slayers and dangled something above they're heads.

One by one the guild started to noticed and burst into laughter.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Natsu asked.

Lucy tapped his shoulder and pointed to the blue exceed above them holding...

"M-mistletoe?!" Natsu shouted.

"How did you get that you damn cat?! It's not even Christmas!" Lucy yelled.

"You two know what you have to do~" Levy giggled.

Natsu and Lucy looked at each other, both blushing. How did Happy get mistletoe before Christmas? And why would he do this?

Then a snort came from the corner of the guild.

Natsu and Lucy looked at each other, nodded and dashed to the corner for the white haired barmaids blood....


Everyone was laughing.





Being Fairy Tail.

But little did a blonde dragon slayer know...that everyone's smiles would soon....


~End of Chapter 15~

Yaaay I'm back from my vacation ad I finally updated!

Just so you all know this story is about to take a turn so yeah be prepared.

But yeah.

Anyway I'm done rambling so ill see you all in the next chappy!

Bye my little ducklings!

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