Chapter 14

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Happy Halloween Minna!!!! I know its not Halloween yet but i wont be able to update when Halloween comes along so im posting them now and this chapter and chapter 13 are kinda my "Halloween Special" i guess you could say. And im sorry to say that this will probably be the last chapter i post for a little while cause im leaving tomorrow for VIRGINIA!!!!! and i wont have internet and IM SO SORRY FOR THAT so ill try to make this chapter extra long. OK enough of my blabbing here it IS!!

~Chapter 14~

~Natsu's POV~

"Juvia cant believe you three!" Juvia scolded Lucy, Gray and I, as we walked out of the Festival we got kicked out of.

"Hey what did I do?!" Lucy asked.

"You let them go along with the race!" Juvia shouted gabbing a finger at me and Gray.

"I- uh...." Lucy tried to protest.

"And you two!" Juvia said turning to me and Gray.

"You both almost crushed four children while racing on the bouncy house, and in the end popped it! That's why we where kicked out!" Juvia yelled at us puffing out her cheeks.

"Gray your Girlfriend's got a temper...." I whisperd to Gray.

Gray blushed and punched me in the shoulder. I just chuckled. I did't feel like fighting with an angry Juvia watching. Who know's what she would do. She's kinda scary when she angry. And i dont want to think about getting Lucy mad.

"So what are we going to do now? We cant go back to the Festival" I said.

"Awww Halloween is ruined!" Juvia cried.

"I bet everyone else is back in the Fesival eating and playing game's...And we're stuck here." Gray huffed.

"I have an idea!" Lucy said clapping her hand's together. We all looked at her.

"We can still enjoy Halloween! We dont need a little Festival to have fun. We're Fairy Tail we can make anything fun!" Lucy said chreefully.

"So what are you thinking?" I asked.

"Well lets just find a nice place outside that we can like set up a picnic or somthing" Said Lucy.

"Juvia knows a place! Gray-sama know's it to!" Juvia said.

"W-wait Juvia! Thats our place! No one else can know about it..." Gray said trailing off.

"Oh dont worry about it Gray Lucy and I already know what Juvia's talking about. We saw it." I said smirking at Gray.

"W-wait you mean you s-saw us-"

"Yes" Lucy and i said in unison.

Gray and Juvia blushed and scooted away from eachother. Lucy and I laughed.

"Ok so we have a place to go. Juvia and I will go to the store and get the snacks and you and Gray go get the drinks. And when we're done we'll meet back here." Lucy said.

"Well its better than sitting out here all night." Said Gray.

"Ok let's go!"

~Wendy's POV~

"Here Wendy!" Romeo said as he handed me a Teddy Bear he won for me.

"Thank's Romeo!" I said and kissed his cheek. He blushed.

"Now now Wendy! Your to young for that!" Carla scolded.

"Aw lighten up Carla Im 13" I said sticking my tongue out at her.

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