Chapter 13

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~Lucy's POV~

I woke up to the sun peaking through my window over my bed. Last night after Natsu and I followed Gray and Juvia out of the forest we found our way back to the guild and said our goodbyes and we both left to our houses.

I looked over at my clock. It was 7:16. I guess i better get up.

I tried to pull my self out of bed but somthing was hugging my waist...I pulled the covers off to reveal a pink haired boy.

"What the hell Natsu?!" I yelled at him.

My face heated up.

"Ugh Lucy five more minutes..." He said sleeply.

"Why are you in my house?! I thought you went home!" I shouted.

"I did but it was cold there...So i came here" Natsu said sitting up and yawning.

"Why did you come to my house? You could have gone to the guild." I said

"Your bed is comfy" He said rubbing his eyes. I sighed.

"Anyway im going to take a shower." I told him while i looked for a towel.

"Ok what ever. Do you have any cookies?" Natsu asked.

"No" I said quickly.

"Your lying." He smirked.

"Ok fine. In the top shelf on the left." I said sighing.

"Ya!" Natsu yelled and ran over to the cabnet in surch of the cookies.

I giggled and walk into my bathroom. I took a fairly quick shower and got dressed.

When i walked back into the kitchen Natsu was sitting at the table stuffing his face with cookies.

"You ready to go?" I asked him

"Yeah" He replied as he ran jumped out the window.

"Why can't you use the door like a normal person!" I shouted at him as I ran out to door to catch up.

While we were walking i noticed that a blue exceed was missing.

"Hey where's Happy?" I asked.

"I dont know. He wasn't home last night. Maybe he stayed at the guild." Natsu said.

"You not worried?" i asked him with worry in my voice.

"No not really. He's probably with Wendy and Carla." He said.

"Your probably right" I said chuckling.

"Happy never like's to leave Carla"

~TIME SKIP~ AT THE GUILD (still Lucy's pov)

When Natsu and I walked into the guild we saw that it was decorated with pumpkin's,Fake spider web and fake spiders, Ghost's,witch's ect.

"Whats with the decoration's?" I asked. Then Levy popped out of no where.

"You did't for get did you? Halloween is tonight!" Levy cheered (I'm sorry I know it's not Halloween just yet but just pretend it is XD)

"Oh well yeah I did kinda forget..." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Did you know Natsu-" I was going to ask but when I looked to my side where the pink haired mage was once standing I found it empty. I looked around and saw him fighting with Gray.

"Well that did't take long for them to get started" Levy giggled.

"No it sure did't" I giggled with her.

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