Chaper 6

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~Natsu's POV~

They're not back yet. It's almost 3:00pm they left at 10:00am. They only went on a short job right?

I walked over to Mira.

" Hey Mira how long is the job that Lucy and Wendy went on suppose to take? I asked.

"Oh about an hour and a half they took an easy job." Mira said.

A spark flashed in Mira's eye.

"Are you worried about Lucy Natsu?~" Mira ask smirking

"Well of course I am! She my partner!" I said.

Happy flew over and herd what we were talking about. He landing on my head.

"He's also really worried cause he llllllikes Lucy~" Happy said rolling his tongue.

My face turned bright red.

"Shut up Happy!!" I yelled at him.

"Heheheh" he giggled

"I'm never telling you anything ever again, Happy." I glared him.

"Oh so it's true~~~" Mira slurred.

"I-I never said that Mira.." My face turned red.

"KYAAAAA!! You to would make a great couple!!!" Mira yelled.

"SHHHHH! Do you want the whole guild to know?!" I whispered.

"Yes. Yes I do" Mira said with fire in her eyes.

"Well I don't so stop!! Your annoying!" I said to her. Quickly regretting my choice of words.

Mira puffed out her cheeks and pursed her lips.

"Hey wait Mira I'm sorry I didn't-"

"The whole Guild is going to know you like Lucy, Natsu Dragneel!" Mira yelled at me.

"WAit Wait Mira! Please don't!" i pleaded

Mira took a deep breath.

"MIRA PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!" But I was to late.

"HEY EVERYONE!! NATSU LIKES LUCY!!!" Mira bellowed to the guild. All eyes turned to me.

I felt me cheeks heat up.

"MIRA WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! " I shouted. My face matched Erza's hair.

"Maybe next time you'll think twice before calling me annoying." she hmfed at me and walked away.

"Soo Flame Brain likes Lucy~" Gray Said.

"Yeah I cant wait to see how this turns out!" Gajeel Laughed.

"Me Lissana and Mira will plan the wedding!!" Levy Giggled.

"Juvia wants to help!" Juvia said.

"GUYS!!" I yelled trying to get them to stop.

While the others were planing a "Wedding" Erza was glaring daggers at me.

"Uhhh something wrong Erza?" I asked. I'm not going to lie. I was scared.

Erza grabed my scarf and pulled me to her face still glaring.

"IF you do anything in anyway to hurt her I will personally destroy you." Erza's words dripped with venom.

"We aren't even dating..." I said.

"ILL FIX THAT!" Mira yelled.

Oh boy I'm in for one hell of a night.

(Lets get back to Lucy and Wendy shall we?)

~Wendy's POV~

I was dazed. My ears were ringing. The back of my right shoulder hurt like hell.

The last thing I remember was screaming at Bliss, then Lucy told me to run, something hit the back of my right shoulder then I blacked out.

I opened my eyes and saw Lucy....Crying. I looked around to try to figure out why.

Then I saw Aquarius' key laying on the ground. Broken in two.

I looked back over to Lucy leaning over Aquarius crying her eyes out.

Aquarius was sparkling gold, she said something but my ears were still ringing so I didn't catch it.

Then Aquarius was gone faded into the air. The rest of Lucy's spirit's were now standing around her. They were all fading too. I felt so sorry for Lucy.

A few of them said something but iIdidn't hear. But I did her them all say:

"Thank you Lucy for being our owner we will miss you." They said.

They all started to vanish.

"WAIT MINNA! PLEASE DON,T LEAVE ME!! MINNA!!" I herd Lucy cry. She tried to grab onto Virgo but she was to late.

All gone. Every one of Lucy's Spirit's. Gone.

Lucy cried and cried. Seeing her like that made me cry as well. I tried to call out to her but when I opened my mouth no words came out.

"AHAHAHAHAAHHAH!!" Bliss laughed

Lucy's head shot toward Bliss, glaring daggers into her.

Lucy's stood up, her head toward the ground, her bangs covering her eyes, a dark aura around her.

Bliss noticed that I had woken up. By know me ears had stopped ringing.

"Oh look. Your little friends awake, I'm surprised she didn't die being in a worthless guild like Fairy Tail." Bliss said to Lucy.

Lucy twitched. Something in her mind had just snapped at Bliss's words.

Lucy began to angrily walk toward Bliss. Her head was still facing the ground.

"You can insult me...You can beat me..I don't care what you do to me...But If You Ever Insult My Friend's Or My Guild I WILL SHOW YOU THE TRUE POWER OF FAIRY TAIL AND MAKE YOU SUFFER!!" Lucy screamed at Bliss.

Lucy closed her eyes and hit her fist's together like Natsu does when he goes going to attack.

When she opened her eyes they where a deep shade blue instead of there normal lovely brown.

"This is for my Spirit's and Wendy!" Lucy yelled as she sprinted toward Bliss.

"Iron Fist of The..." Lucy jumped into the air above Bliss.

"Wha-What?!" Bliss said in shock.

"WATER DRAGON!!" Lucy yelled as she slammed her fist into Bliss's head. Bliss screamed in pain and fell to the ground in defeat. Her lifeless body leaking blood.

"Lucy..." I said under my breath.

She turned around to face me, Her eyes still slightly blue.

"See I told you I'd win." She said with a smile before fainting.

"Lucy!" I ran over to her.

She was still alive but only barley. She used up to much Magic power in that fight. I just cant wrap my head around it. Lucy's a Dragon Slayer. A strong one if that. But I feel like there's more to her then just the Water Dragon...Or maybe its just me.

I looked in my bag. I had enough jewels to stay the night at a hotel in town for a few days until Lucy recovers. She cant go home in this state. I better write a letter to Fairy Tail and let them know we will be out for a while.

~End of Chapter 6~

Ellooo minna!! i hope you liked chapter 6! i worked really hard on this one sooo yay! Some stuff is gunna go down in the next chapter soo yeah. You will learn more about Lucy being a dragon slayer and such. soo thats all BAI~

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