Chapter 9

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~Makarov's POV (master)~

"Well Master...I would like to leave Fairy Tail...." Lucy said.

I was shocked.

"May I ask why?" I asked Lucy.

"Well you see..." She told me everything that happened on the job Wendy and Her took and about her spirits and her aunt.

"I see..I'm sorry to here about your Spirit's.." I said

"I-its okay. Please don't tell anyone why i left only you and Wendy know." She told me

"Dont worry I wont." I replied

"So Master if you would.." Lucy said glancing down at her hand that bared the Guild mark. She was crying a little.

"Y-yes." I said and removed the guild mark from her hand.

"Will you come back?" I asked.

"Yes when I'm done training. But most of the guild may not recognize me.."

"Dont worry im sure they will remember you." I said and hugged her.

"Goodbye Mater Makarov..." Lucy said hiding her tears.

"Goodbye Lucy. Ill see you again soon." She nodded and walked out.

~Wendy's POV~

I was talking with Romeo and Carla when out of the corner on my eye i caught sight of Lucy. I looked over at her and see had on a fake smile. And her guild mark was gone. So she really did it. Tears started to well in my eyes but i fought back. I cant cry. Not yet.

"Wendy are you okay?" Romeo asked me snapping me back to my senses.

"O-oh yeah sorry I spaced out."

~Lucy's POV~

I was walking toward the door but I was stopped my Mira.

"Hey Lucy~" She said.

"Oh hey Mira!" I said putting on a fake smile.

"Are you okay? You look kinda down." Mira said eyeing me.

"Oh I'm fine just tired. I'm going to head home for today" I said holding back my tears.

"Okay, Bai~" Mira said.

"Oh before I leave, Levy!" I called.

"Yeah Lu-chan?" Levy asked as she ran over.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a small book.

"Here i finished my novel! So you can read it now." I said holding back my tears as i handed Levy my novel.

"Thanks Lu-chan!" Levy yelled as she hugged me.

"I'm going home now. Bye Minna!!" I said waving to my guild for the last time for a really long time...

"Bye Lucy!!" They said. Then as soon as the doors shut i ran. I ran as fast as i could letting my tears fall.

"Goodbye everyone..." I whispered to myself as i reached my house I went inside and packed my things Then writ a little note to a specific pink haired boy. Then because i know they will look i sprayed some cherry blossom perfume on myself to hide my scent so the dragon slayers cant find me. The smell should last long enough for me to find Lisa. Then headed for the woods. I took one last look at my house.

"I'll miss you.." I said and then walked away.

After about 2 hours of walking i made it to where aunt Lisa told me to be.

"Hello Lucy. Are you ready?" Aunt Lisa asked.

I held my breath for a moment. I don't have anymore tears to shed. Its time.

"Lets go." I said.

~Natsu's POV~

I was talking to Gray and Gajeel when I noticed Lucy talking with Mira. She look kinda sad.

"I'm tired I'm going home for the day. Goodbye minna!!" Lucy said.

"Bye Lucy!" The guild said back. Right before Lucy walked out the door I noticed something. Her Guild mark was gone. No she didn't. Did she? Why would she? What happened? Right before the doors closed with just a crack i could see though i say Lucy take off in a run. Crying.

I was about to get up and go after her when Master came in.

"Listen up brats!" Master said as he walked on stage. He had a sad look on his face.

"What is it Master?" Mira asked

"I regret to inform you..But Lucy has left the Guild."

The hole guild gasped.

"B-But why?" Erza stuttered.

"She had her own reasons that she asked me not to share." Master said

I just stood there. Frozen. Why did she leave?

"Luusshe..." Happy cried.

Levy fell to the floor crying clutching Lucys novel. "Lu-chan!" Levy yelled crying. Gajeel tried to comfort her.

I saw Erza start to cry so did Juvia.

"Love rivel left?" Said Juvia as tears fell down her face.

I swear i saw Gray cry a little along with Elfman and Romeo.

Wendy and Mira both crashed to the floor crying they both had they're heads in there hands.

I felt tears fall down my face. I couldn't hold them in if i tried.

I Turned and ran out of the guild to Lucy's house to try and find her.

Why did she leave? Was it something i did? am i the reason she left? The questions banged around in my head.

When i opened the door to Lucy's house there was no one there. There was a note on the table. I picked it up and read

Dear Natsu

I know you would come here when you found out I left so I left this for you. I have my reasons for why I left so don't think its anything you did. I'm sorry but i have to leave for now. Ill be back one day I don't know when but ill be back. Please don't come looking for me I know you'll try. I hid my scent. You and Happy can stay here at my house while I'm gone I know you like my bed. There's some food in the fridge to if you get hungry. Just don't mess to much stuff up okay? Ill be back soon. Ill miss you all. Be safe and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone! See you soon.

Love Lucy

I held the letter to my chest and fell on my knees and cryed.

"Lucy...Why did you leave me..?"

~Normal POV~

The next day the guild wasn't the same.

Cana wasn't drinking.

Nastu and Gray weren't fighting.

Elfman wasn't saying how "Manly" he was.

Mira and Lissanna weren't gossiping.

Levy didn't smile anymore she only sat in the corner of the guild by herself and held Lucy's novel.

Fairy Tail had lost its light.

The Dragon Slayers went and looked for Lucy everyday trying to catch her scent. But like Lucy said she covered it up.

They looked and looked but never found her.

And so 4 long year's past...

~End of Chapter 9~

BAM there it is. Hope you liked chapter 9!! WEEEEEW i enjoyed writing this one i hope it wasent to short or to long! Sorry for any spelling or grammer erros!! bai minna!!

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