Chapter 17

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~Lucy's POV~

My head hurts.


My hole body hurts.

I slowly opened my eyes to find a empty dark room. Well almost empty.

The only thing in here is me, and a huge machine that I'm chained to.

What happened?

I remember Zeref....Wendy getting slapped....everyone getting beaten...I remember letting my anger take over..and....

Oh god Natsu.

I almost Killed Natsu.

I need to get out of here.

I tried using my magic but nothing was working.

"Oh your magic won't work as long as your in those chains." A mans voice said.

"Who's there?" I called out.

A figure emerged from the shadows.


"Why you!" I yelled and tried to attack, but thanks to the damn chains, it was useless.

"Now now I only gave your guild what they deserved" Zeref chuckled.

"My friends didn't deserve any of that!" I cried.

"Well even so, my henchmen got a kick out of it" He smirked.

"Tsk bastard..." I muttered.

He ignored my comment.

"Now" Zeref said clapping his hands together. "Shall we begin?"

"Begin what?" I asked.

"The draining of your power of course!" He yelled cheered as he began to power up the machine. Laughing as he did so.

"You won't get away with it" I stated.

"Sorry?" Zeref asked, his joyful expression turned to a disgusted one.

"I said, You won't get away with it" I repeated.

"Ha! And who's going to stop me?" He laughed.

"Fairy Tail" I said with a smirk.

"Haha! You really think your puny guild can defeat me?" Zeref bellowed.

"Yes yes I do" I spat.

He growled.

"I've had enough of your mouth" he said and pulled a lever on the machine.

The next thing a know a horrible pain spread through my limbs. Engulfing every part of my body. I screamed in agony as my magic was extracted from me.

The pain stopped. I was left panting and burned slightly.

"Ahh this is so enjoying to watch...." Zeref sighed.

"Bastar-" before I could finish another wave of pain filled my body. I screamed in pain. Only one thought was going through my head.


Please help me....

~Natsu's POV~

"We have to go find her!" I yelled as I slammed my hand onto a table.

"Natsu we can't right now. To many people are injured." Master said.

"Masters right Natsu. Even if we did gather up a group to go find Lucy, how would know where she is?" Mira stated.

"I know her scent. Wendy dose to. We could follow it to wherever Zeref is hiding her!" I argued.

"Natsu. We have to wait until tomorrow or maybe even a few days after that. We need to fix up things here" Happy said.

"Happys right Natsu" Mira said.

"No! You don't understand-" I started but was interrupted.

"Actually Matster, Mira, Happy, Natsu's right. We need to leave to find Bunny Girl as soon as possible" Gajeel join in.

"Look I understand. I want her back as well but we have to wait." Master said.

"We can't wait. If we do Bunny Girl will die. You herd what Zeref said. He's going to drain her magic power until there's nothing left. If we wait shell die. And also Carla's vision. We need to prevent that from happening." Gajeel said.

Master sat there for a while thinking.

"I had no idea Lucy was in this much danger..." Master muttered.

"Alright Natsu. Gather up your team and go rescue our member. We've already lost her once, lets not lose her again" Master said.

"Thank you Gramps!" I yelled and hugged him.

"Your welcome child. Plus I know you have feelings for Lucy...." He whispered.

I blushed and looked away.

"Tsk whatever..." I mumbled.

"Anyway Erza! Gray! Wendy! Lets go!" I yelled.

"Alright!" They cheered.

"Bring back Lu-chan safe!" Levy said as we walked toward the guild doors.

"Be carful!"

"Good luck!"

"Bring back Lucy!"

"Kick Zeref's ass!"

The guild cheered for us as we walked out of the building.

I sniffed the air to get a wiff of Lucy scent and Wendy was doing the same.

Got it.

"It's faint buts its Lucy's all right" I said and beckoned for Erza Gray Wendy and the exceeds to follow me.

We started off following the scent.

I swear Zeref when we find you.....

You'll pay.

~End of Chapter 17~

Hi guys! So sorry for not updating but I've been REALLY busy with family and getting ready for thanks giving. But I'm updating now! I hope you all like the chappy and ill see you in the next one! Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors! Happy thanks giving!

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