Chapter 5

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~Lucys POV~


I grabbed a golden key and stuck it in the water.

"Gate of the Water Spirit! I Summon thee! Aquarius!"

Aquarius appeared.

"WHY DID YOU CALL ME OUT GIRL!?" Aquarius yelled.

"Looked we can fight later right now I need your help!" I said pointing at Bliss.

Aquarius glared at Bliss.

"So your the reason I'm out here eh? Aquarius hissed at Bliss, her words dripping with venom.

"You're gunna pay." Said Aquarius.

Aquarius shot water at Bliss and hit her dead the the stomach. Bliss flew back and hit a tree.

"Ha that tickled" Bliss giggle evilly.

"W-what?!" Aquarius said in shock.

While they were fighting,

Something snatched at my hand. I looked down to see a spider and grasped is its fangs was...

I froze.

The spider had Aquarius's key.

I tried to catch it but I wasn't fast enough. The spider shot toward Bliss.

"No!!" I shouted

"What's wrong girl?" Aquarius asked me.

All I did was stare at Bliss's hand

"Oh what's this?" Bliss asked the spider.

Aquarius and I both froze.

Bliss was holding Aquarius's key.

"Aww is this your key?" She asked Aquarius tauntingly.

"Give my Spirit's key back!!" I shouted at Bliss.

"Or what?" She snapped at me.

"I'll-" I started but then stopped.

I didn't know. I didn't know what to do.

Anger welled up within me. I felt useless. I wanted to help fight.

I sprinted toward Bliss but was struck back by her long pointed legs.

"Lucy!" Aquarius yelled.

I winced in pain as I tried to stand. I can handle it. I'm not weak. "Stand up Lucy" I told myself.

I forced myself up. Bliss shot toward be only to be blocked by Aquarius.

"Aquarius..?" I asked. She's never done this before.

"You will not touch my Owner!!" Aquarius spat at Bliss.

I was shocked. Aquarius was protecting me. That's a first.

Bliss growled. She looked pissed.

"You pest! It's time I rid of you!!" Bliss bellowed.

I expected Bliss to charge. Instead she did something horrifying.

She grabbed Aquarius's key in both hands, and in one motion,

It snapped.

"No." Was all I could say.

She had snapped Aquarius's key in two.

Aquarius froze. Her eyes turned cold and lifeless. She tilted to the side and fell to the ground.

"AQUARIUS!!!!" I screamed and ran over to her. This can't be happening. It's all a bad dream right?

I fell on my knees next to her causing the rest of my keys to fall off my belt but I didn't really care at the time.

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