Chapter 4

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~Lucy's POV~

The noise was a tree falling, the tree was covered in some sort of web.. Then there was hissing.


Wendy snapped "GODDAMN IT STOP INTERRUPTING ME!!!" Wendy bellowed at the spiders. Wow never thought I'd here Wendy say that.

"Wendy! Forget that right now! We have bigger problems!" I yelled.

"Right! Sorry!" She said.

I pulled out my whip. There where about five spiders. Oh did I mention that the spiders where HUGE. This will be hard.

"Roar of the Sky Dragon!" Wendy yelled as she took out one of the spiders.

"One down,  four to go!" She said.

I grabbed a key. " Gate of the Golden Bull! I Summon thee!! Taurus!"

Taurus appeared. "Mooo! Keep away from Lucy's beautiful body!" Taurus said. I sweatdropped.

"Taurus take out the spider!" I commanded

To help him a bit I lashed my whip at the spider in front of me to get its eyes on me and away from Taurus.

Taurus ran at  the spider swinging his axe. The spider collapsed to the ground.

"Thank you Taurus!" I said as he returned to the Spirit World.

Wendy had taken down one of the other spiders.

"Two left" I thought.

One of the spiders charged at me.

I grabbed my whip and wrapped it abound three of its eight legs and pulled in to the ground.

"Wendy now!" I yelled.

"Sky Dragons Claw!!" Wendy bellowed as she slammed she fist into the spiders head.

"Nice work!" I said and gave Wendy a high five.

"So we're done now right?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah! lets get back to Ella!" I said.

We started walking back but we stopped in our tracks, remembering that there was one more spider.

We herd a "hisssss" behind us.

We both whipped around expecting a giant spider but instead of a spider...stood a small redhead woman.

"Miss Ella! You must leave here! It's not safe!" Wendy yelled.

Ella just laughed.

"No you children!! It is you who are not safe!" Ella said laughing evilly.

"Who are you?! Your not Ella!" I yelled at the woman.

"Oh was that her name? Ella? Ha! Well your right. I'm not your so called Ella" The woman said.

Her voice changed it was now younger, and full of evil.

Then there was no small kind redheaded woman anymore. Her hair turned black with a white streak on one side, her eyes turned from the kind green to blood red and multiplied, she grew taller and grew eight long pointed hairy legs out of her torso. A Spider Woman.

Wendy and I stood in shock.

"W-who are y-you? W-what have you done with Ella!" Wendy chocked out.

"My name is Bliss! (sorry couldn't think of a better name XD) Queen of the spiders! And that little woman Ella? Ha! She was tasty. I killed her and took her body from for the time being so I could take over the town. That was my plan until you came along!" She hissed at us.

"Oh and if you didn't know, Ella had some sweet little children. Poor things. They where a good meal for my baby's though." Bliss said

"Y-you killed her children?" I asked still in shock. My eyes teared up.

"Why, yes I did. It's not like they had a life going for them anyway. They were worthless." Said Bliss.

I saw Wendy twitch. She's snapped.

Her head shot up, she looked Bliss strait in her eight eyes.

"YOU HEARTLESS BITCH!!" Wendy screamed.

"Excuse me?" Bliss said with an angry tone. She started to raise on of her sharp pointed legs.

"Wendy run!!" I screamed but Wendy wasn't quick enough.

"IT'S TIME YOU LEARN SOME MANNERS YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" Bellowed Bliss striking Wendy in the back of her right shoulder.

"AAHHH!" Wendy screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

"WENDY!!" I screamed and ran over to her. Her shoulder was bleeding heavily. "Shit" I said under my breath.

I panicked looking around for something to stop the bleeding with. I grabbed my hair in frustration then it dawned on me. "My hair ribbon" I thought. it was all i had.

I quickly untied it from my hair and tied it around Wendy's wound. She had blacked out from the pain.

"We should have brought Carla" I thought.

"Hang in there" I whispered knowing, she couldn't here me. "I'll  win this and we can go home." I said.

I stood up and turned around to a laughing Spider Woman.

"What do I do?" I asked myself.

Then I looked over to the stream.


~End of Chapter 4~

HAI MINNA! hope youy liked chapter 4~ if you get offended by swearing im sorry! >~< well i dont really have anything else to say..ummmm i like pie. there BAI~

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