Chapter 22 (Final)

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But I was really busy of the holidays but im glad to be back!

Also yes. This is the last chapter T_T. This has been SOOOO Fun and thank you all so much for all the suport for this story cause it is my first one and i really didn't expect this.

And also I hope you all had a great Christmas and a vary happy New Year! And if you dont celebrate Christmas than I hope you and your familys had a great holiday whatever it may be!

And one more thing!

I would liked to dedicate this chapter to...




and @GummyKat02

I Love you guys and thank youfor staying with me through this story! Love you Ducklings!

Small recap!

"Y-yeah I remember that...What were you going to say?" Natsu asked.

"Well I was going to say...." I took a deep breath, leand over and kissed his cheek.

He was extrlemey shocked by this.

"I love you too"


~Lucy's POV~

Natsu just starred at me with the most shocked look on his face Ive ever seen.

I found it amusing but with the semi serious aura in the air, I didn't think it would be a wise move to laugh.

I started to get worried that I had somehow mentally killed Natsu. But my thoughts were interrupted by strong hands on my shoulders and a pair of warm lips on mine.

When Natsu pulled away he chuckled.

"You do not know how long Ive been waiting for you to say that" He smiled before pulling me into a long passionate kiss.

When we broke apart we just smiled at each other, Untill an all to annoying and familiar voice interrupted out gaze.

"Oh my god....."

Natsu and I whiped our heads toward the voice only to fine our little blue exceed friend. Who saw the hole thing.

"Ive got to tell Mira" Was all he said before zooming off into the guild.

Natsu and I looked at eachother in panic and raced after Happy in attempt to catch him before he could that evil Barmaid.

We rushed into the guild just a little to late. Happy was floating in front of Mira giggling like a mad cat.

"Mirrraaaa Ive got somthing to tell you~" Happy slurred.

"What is it?" Mira asked, Looking vary intrested.

"Happy dont you dare-" Natsu started. To late.

"Lucy and Natsu kissed!~" Happy's words rang throughout he guild like a bell.

Natsu and I both face palmed and blushed, As all eyes were on us now.



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