Chapter 7

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OOOOMMMMGGG!! ok so i was writing this capter on my dads computer and i had to get off for a bit and i left the screen on wattpad and my unfinshed story cause i wasn't done writing then while im gone my little brother get on the computer AND X OUT OF WATTPAD AND DELEATED MY CHAPTER AHHHHHH!!! so now i get to write it over and try to remember what i writ down soo i hope you enjoy and from me to you, never leave a screen open on somthing without saving it if you have little siblings cause they will crush your hopes and dreams. anyway hope you enjoy! BAI MINNA!!


Chapter 7

~Lucy's POV~

Its dark. Im really dizzy. Am I dreaming? My vision is blurry. The last thing i remember was beating Bliss, feeling really weak and dizzy, Wendy screaming, then I fainted.

I was wandering around in the what seemed endless darkness until I herd a voice.

"Ah its been far to long my dear Lucy..." Said a soft kind voice behind me.

"Who's there?!" I yelled whipping around ready to fight.

But I froze when I saw who the voice belonged to.

A small woman with blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail and bright green eyes.

"A-Aunt Lisa?" I asked as tears streamed down my face.

"Is that you?" I asked in between sobs. I haven't seen my Aunt in years.

"Yes yes Lucy its me." Aunt Lisa said as she started crying to.

"Aunt Lisa!" I yelled and ran to her wrapping her in a hug.

My Aunt and I where vary close when I was young. But she just vanished one day..

"My my you've grown" Aunt Lisa said

"Have I? I still feel the same" I giggled "Where have you been all these years?" I asked.

"There is so much you don't know Lucy..Like how I am here in your dream right now." My Aunt said.

"How are you in my dream?" I asked. I kinda wanted to know that, I mean if shes in my dream shes in my head..right? Kinda creepy.

"Well you see Lucy..." She started.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You promise not to freak out when I tell you?" Aunt Lisa asked.

"I promise." I said.

"Okay Lucy...I'm a Dragon..." She said calmly

"Wait wha..?" I asked befuddled.

"I'm a Dragon. The Elemental Dragon to be exact."

I stood there speechless trying to process what she just said. But it made sense... My aunt vanished  on July 7 x777.

"S-So what does that mean?" I stuttered.

"That means you have Dragon blood in you." Aunt Lisa said.

"S-So that means I'm a..."

"Dragon Slayer." Lisa finished for me.

"Wow..." Was all I could say. Me a Dragon Slayer? Nah. I'm pretty weak when it comes to fighting.

"But how can you be sure?" I asked.

"Oh I know. How else do you think you did that to the Spider Woman Bliss?" Lisa Stated.

The Elemental Dragon Slayer ( Fairy Tail fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now