Chapter 12

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~Gray's POV~ (woow shocker XD)

After Lucy and Natsu bailed the guild started to die down.

"So where do you think they went?" Erza smirked.

"Away from us" Levy giggled

"Hey Mira are you ok?" I asked the white haired mage that was mumbling in the corner.

"I must find them...I will find them..... My OTP's depend on it...The babies...What will there names be......Nashi....I like that name.."Mira mumbled none sence in the corner.

She was kinda scaring me.

"Is she ok?" Wendy asked.

"I think shes upset that her "OTP" got away from they're "Wedding Planing"" Lissanna giggled.

I chuckled. Lissanna went over to her sister to try to calm her down. But she still kept mumbling  about her "Nalu Babies". Levy and Erza started talking and Wendy and Romeo went over to Happy and Carla.

I yawned. I looked over at Juvia. She was sipping a smoothie. She looked really tired. When she finished her smoothie she stood up.

"Juvia is tired. Juvia is going home now." She said.

"Night Juvia!" The guild yelled at the water mage as she walk out.

Im bored now. Natsu's not here to fight. Gajeel left with Panther Lilly.  Romeo is talking with Wendy. And Mira is turning into a sycopath in the corner. It sounded like it started to rain outside. I guess I better head home.

"Alright im heading home guys." I said my goodbyes and walked out. I felt like visting That place..My Place. Where I go to clear my head. I dont know why but somthing just told me to go there. So i headed out.

Theres a little trail that leads into the woods thats hard to find. You have to really look to see it. I found it by mistake while walking around town one day.

I walked along the path to my little place. I was soaking wet. I did't bring an umbrella. I wounder why i wanted to come here. I reached the end of the path and it lead to a clearing.

The clearing in the trees had a little river that ran though it and a old wooden bridge that was built over it. It was like someone bulit it as a meeting place. Ive never seen anyone else here and no one else knows about it. Or so i thought.

Standing on the bridge leaning on the railing In the pouring rain looking at the stars was a blue haired water mage.


I just staired at her. She looked so calm, So at peace, So....Beautiful.

She noticed i was there and looked at me. Our eyes locked.

"Gray-sama?!" She asked shocked

"Juvia what are you doing here?" I asked her

"Juvia would like to asked you the same" She snapped at me.

"Well this is where i come to clear my head....Its calming to me..Its my "Special Place" you could say.." I said scratching the back of my head.

Juvia just staired at me for a while. Then she finally said somthing.

"W-Well J-Juvia comes here for the same reasons.." She said looking down.

"I did't know anyone else new about this place" I said walking onto the bridge next to her and gazed at the stars. We stayed like that for a while. I looked at her while she was looking at the star's She look's so peacfull. The rain was making her pale skin sparkle. She really did look beautiful.

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