Chapter 8

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~Wendy's POV~

I need to get back to the hotel soon and talk with Lucy about what happend. Im Still trying to process that she's a Dragon Slayer. And her key's are gone. i looked all over the place where the fight happend and nothing.

I was walking back to the hotel when...

"Hey little lady~" I herd a man's voice behind me.

I turned around to face the man. He had dark brown hair, bushy eyebrows big lips and he was quit chubby.

"Can i help you?" I asked in a annoyed tone trying to give him the message that i don't want to talk.

"Heey no need to be snappy~ I just want to help you walk home~ A little beautiful girl like yourself shouldn't be wondering out here alone~" The man said. Hes giving me the creeps.

"No thank you I'm fine by myself." I said and started to walk away. The guy grabbed my arm.

"Heey now c'mon~ I don't bite~" He said

"Look i really need to get home now so if would please let go!" I yelled at him.

We were in a back street. No one was around. I took this street cause i could get back to Lucy faster. But look how that worked out.

"Hey look girly I-"

"Oi you! What are you doing with my little sister huh?!" A voice said.

I turned to face the voice.

"Lucy?!" I asked. I told her to stay in bed! Damn it she never listens. And little sister? Where did that come from?

"I- um Well you see Ma'am i saw this little girl out here by herself and thought i would help her home eh" The man said to Lucy with a worried tone. Lucy didn't by it.

"Well I'm her to take her home now so you can piss off!" Lucy shouted.

I've never seen her like this before. She was wearing a black short skirt a dark blue tank top, on her right hand she had a black lace finger less glove, and black boots. She held her head high and confident with one hand on her hip. Not gunna lie, She looked pretty hot. She looked strong and ticked off. Like the big badass sister i always wanted. Damn Lucy can act.

"Well you see-" The man started

"I said piss off." Lucy said in an angry tone.

The man looked annoyed.

"Fine then we will take you by force!"

"We?"I asked

The man whistled and four big guys in blacked hoods holding clubs stepped out of the shadows.

"Your getting on my nerves" Lucy said

"Get them." The man said

One of the men charge at me swinging his club but Lucy grabbed me and slid me out of the way and caught the mans club with a death grip.

"is it really going to be like this?" Lucy asked

"Get her!" The main man said

"So it is." Lucy said

Lucy hit her fits together and shut her eyes, When she opened her eyes i expected blue like last time but they weren't blue...they where purple. So i was right. There's more to Lucy then just water.

"W-wait you wizards?!" One of the men said in a scared tone.

Lucy didn't say anything. She lifted her hand and traced something with magic in the air in front of her a...Music note..?

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