Chapter 19

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~Normal POV~

The Fairy Tail mage's lashed out at Zeref. Attack after attack.

They fought with fresh tear's falling as they're muched loved Lucy Heartfilia had just been murderd by Zeref's hand.

Fight as Zeref tried, He didn't stand a chance agenst the four enraged mage's.

The fight went on for what seemed liked hour's, until Zeref couldn't fight back anymore.

"Well this has been fun and all but I really must be going. Im sure we will meet again one day Fairy Tail" Zeref said as he escaped from the scean before he could be harmed further.

The four mage's stood there in the dark and quiet room, Astonished that the mighty dark wizard Zeref just ran away.

"What a cowerd...." The blue haired Dragon Slayer mutterd.

They turned back to the lifeless body of the one and only Elemental Dragon Slayer, As tear's continued to fall from they're eyes.

"W-what do we do...?" Erza asked.

"We have to go back...And we cant leave her here...So lets go back.." The pinkette said quietly.

The Fire Dragon Slayer picked up the blond and carried her in his arm's back to the guild.


The four mage's walked in silence. The only sound was they're feet on the path, and the slow quite sob's from all of them.

When they walked into town, the town's folk ran up to greet and congratulate the four wizard's on bringing back they're kiddnaped member, but they backed away and gasped when they saw the Dragon Slayer's body in the arm's of Salamander, and the dark, empty, sad, tear stained face's of the four mage's.

The town's folk parted and made way for the mage's to pass through to they're guild. The town was silent. Only the sound of quiet sob's could be herd.

The mage's walked to the guild and slowly opend the door's. As they did so, cheer's erupted from the guild at they're return, but that happiness was short lived when they saw the look's on the four mage's face's.

"Hey guy's...why the long face's?" A guild member asked.

Erza,Gray, and Wendy who stood in front stepped aside to reveal Natsu carrying the blond's limp body.

Gasp's were herd through out the hole guild.

Natsu walked foward, knelt down and layed Lucy's body on the floor as he cried.

"We failed" He said as he knelt over the one he had hoped to love.

"L-Love rival....?" The blue haird water mage sobbed as she walked over to Lucy's body.

"L-Lu-chan?" Asked the bluenette as she began to cry. The Iron Dragon Slayer hugged the Skript mage in attempt to calm her down, but even he couldn't stop his own tear's from falling.

The guild crowded around The Dragon Slayer's body as they cried and whailed. Many of the guild member's crashed to the floor in a mental break down.

"Lucy....." Mira cried.

"I cant believe she's dead..." Gajeel cried.

"Was it Zeref...?" Asked Makarov attempting to hold back breaking down and crying as well.

All the four mage's could do was nod.

Makarov couldn't take it anymore, he soon to cried as well.

The guild was in a pit of anger and sadness. But no one felt nearly as bad as Salamander, for he had already lost her once, and now, he lost her for good.


~??? POV~

Where am I?

There's nothing here, nothing but darkness.

I woke up here, what happend...? I remember pushing Wendy out of the way of the sword and...dying? Did I die? No...I couln't have...Cause I wouln't be awake now right?

"Hello?" I called out into the darkness.


I walked around the endless darkness, in surch of any form of light.

Then out in the distence a golden light appered. With out hesitating I ran toward it.

But it seemed to get farther away. But that didn't stop me.

I ran and ran after it, not stoping till I reach it. Then I was close enough and I dove for it and touched it.

Then all the darkness was fading. Being compleatly wiped away by white.

Now I stood in an endless white void. But there was somthing else...A voice, No voice's. Talking, Or more like crying.

"Hello?!' I called. But I didn't get a response.

"We failed" A familiar voice cried.

"Natsu?! Is that you?!" I yelled out. Again though, No response.

"L-Love rival....?"

"Juvia! Im here!" I called out to Juvia's voice. Why cant they here me?



"I can't believe she's dead..." Gajeel's voice said.

"What?! Minna im here! Im not dead!" I yelled. But no one herd me.

Now there are more cries and sob's. I can hear they're voice's. But they cant hear me. Its like im trapped inside my own head.

Then...It started to rain....Its raining in this empty white void.

A drop landed on my arm...But it didn't feel like normal rain...This drop is so abnormally cold it should be frozen...

Another landed on me, This one wasn't cold...But it felt...hard...Like metal.

Then it dawned on me.

They're tear's.

The abnormally cold rain drop was Gray's tear. And the hard metal one was Gajeel's.

And this one that just fire. Its Natsu's.

I can feel the magic power in the tear's when they land on me...

That one's Levy's....That one's Erza's...That's Juvia's...Jet....Wendy....Happy... Romeo...Cana....Mira...

I can sense them all. They're crying over my body and I can feel the tear when hit's my skin.

They're sob's like thunder and they're tear's like rain...

"Minna its ok im here! Im not dead!" I tried telling but it was no use.

I really am trapped inside my own head.

Then the white began fading away back into darkness and the golden light started to drift away and my guild member's voice's started fading.

"Wait minna come back!" I yelled at ran for the golden light and they're voice's, But no matter how fast I ran, I didn't go anywhere.

As they're voice's fadded and the light vanished,

I was soon compleatly engulfed in black.

~End of chapter 19~

OMG MINNA 1k READS!!!! Thank you all so much it really means a lot to me. I never thought that people would really read my story so thank you so much! I know not a lot of people have read past like chapter 7 but still, If your here now thank you for sticking with the story! See you in the next chappy! Bai Ducklings!

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