Chapter 2

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~Wendy's POV~

Lucy and I walk into the Guild and as always,

It's complete chaos.

Natsu and Gray are insulting one another.

Elfman is bragging to Evergreen about how "Manly" he is.

The other guild members are fighting.

And Cana is drinking out of a huge keg.

Lucy and I sweatdrop and push through the crowd to the table Levy and Lissanna are sitting.

I sit down at the table and sigh.

"This place never changes dose it?" I say.

"Nope. And it never will!!" Lissanna said.

I look over at Lucy. She was talking to Levy about books and what not. I want to know what she was talking about on the bridge this morning when she said "this is wired".

"Lucy." I called.

She stopped talking with Levy and looked over at me.

"Yeah Wendy?" She asked.

"What where you talking about on the bridge this morning?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know, when you said "this is wired" I said to her.

"O-oh that it was nothing" she said waving her hands in dismissal again.

"Tell me!!" I said giving her my puppy dog eyes.

"No." She said

"Tellmetelllmetellmetellme!" I said while hitting her over the head with my fists.

"Fine okay! Okay! Stop already!" She yelled, pushing me off of her.

I sat back down, satisfied.

"Well this morning, when I was walking on the bridge-" she started but was interrupted by a loud noise.


There was the sound of wood cracking and Cana yelling.

I looked over to see Gray lying in a puddle of beer and broken wood.

"MY KEG!!" Cana yelled.

"It was Ice Princess's fault!" Natsu yelled.

"My fault? Flam Brain is the one who pushed me!" Gray shot back.

They continued to argue until Erza stepped in.

"ENOUGH!!" Erza shouted and smashed Natsu and Gray heads together.

They both yelped in pain and shut up.

"Oh Gray-sama!" Juvia said and rushed over to him to help.

Gray blushed slightly at Juvia's touch.

"Awwww someones in Loove!~" Natsu teased Gray.

"Shut up Flame Brain!" Gray hissed, still blushing.

"What did you say Popsicle?" Natsu growled back.

"You herd me!" Gray snapped.

"You wanna go?" Natsu hissed.

"Bring it!" Gray yelled

They were about to fight when Erza stepped in again.

"I SAID ENOUGH!" Erza bellowed smashing they're heads together again.

Lucy sighed.

With everything that just happened I didn't relies how the air smelled strongly of alcohol.

I coughed and pinched my nose. Being a Dragon Slayer sucks sometimes when you have super hearing and smell.

Lissanna and Levy looked at me and asked "What's wrong?"

"Dragon Slayers have a really good sense of smell so I'm getting the strong smell of Cana's spilled alcohol and it's not fun." I said

"Oh" Levy said. "I am so sorry"

I herd coughing next to me. I looked over to see Lucy pinching her nose and coughing to.

Lissanna, Levy and I just stared at her.

She looked at us.

"What's wrong? You guys can't smell the beer in the air?" She asked between coughs.

"W-well I can" I said

"But we can't." Levy said pointing to herself and Lissanna.

"So?" Lucy asked

"Lucy you should not be able to smell the alcohol in the air. The smell is to light for a normal person to smell. Only Dragon Slayers should be able to smell it." I said pointing at Gajeel and Natsu pinching they're noses to.

"What dose that mean?" Lucy asked with a slight bit of concern on her face.

"Lucy" I said is a serious tone." This could mean that you might be a Dra-"


I was interrupted by a yelling blue Exceed.

"Lushe Natsu got in trouble again~~"

Happy said flying over to Lucy and landing on her head.

"I know I saw." Lucy said

"Are you gunna go saave him from Erza?~" Happy asked Lucy with a smirk.

"No. Why would I? That Baka gets in trouble all the time." Lucy said

"Cause you llllllllik-" Happy was cut of by Lucy's hand over his mouth.

"Shut your mouth you damned cat.." Lucy mumbled with a slight blush on her face.

"OHHHH LUCY YOU LIKE NATSU?!" Lissanna and Levy  yelled.

Lucy's face burned up when they yelled in hope that no one herd them.

"Shhhh! N-n-no I don't!" Lucy stuttered

"You stuttered!!!" Levy said smirking at Lucy.

"Well I know you like Gajeel!" Lucy yelled at Levy.

Levy's face turned red.

"But you still like Natsu~" Lissanna said defending Levy with a smirk at Lucy.

Lucy's face matched Erzas hair.

"Lucy and Natsu sitting in a tree!"

Happy started.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Lissanna joined in.

"First comes love!"

"Then comes marriage!"

"Then comes Lu-"

"WENDY LETS GO ON A JOB!" Lucy yelled to get Happy and Lissanna to stop singing.

"U-um okay" I said.

~End of Chapter 2~

Ello Minna!! hope you liked chapter two! i worked hard on this one.  im kinda winging this while writing it soo it may not make sense somtimes sorry for that! so like if i dont get to the nalu of jerza,gruvia ect for a while IM SORRY!! i try~ anyway thats all! love you all! Bai minna!

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