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I be damned if I die sober.

The street light was flickering when I passed it on my way home; the same one. And they still haven't done anything to fix it.
It was pretty late too. The new guy fucked up a monthly report and I had to stay and help my uncle clean up the mess. I couldn't just leave him there alone, he would've probably spent the night at the office again; like many times before.
Thanking god it was Friday, I hurried upstairs to my apartment to change and drop off some work stuff before heading out for a drink.

Once in a while comes one of those days when a girl desperately needs a shot of tequila, or two. Today was that day.

I put my long red hair in a high ponytail, staring at the mirror to see if my dark circles were still camouflaged. It wasn't as bad as I thought so I washed my hands and went to change.
Gladly jumping out of my working clothes, I pulled up a pair of black sweats and a black tee. I slid my vans sneakers on and grabbed a black sporty jacket.

The bar I've been going to, ever since I moved here, is a few blocks down. It's called Siren.
I know the bartender but that's about it; conversing with people in those kinds of places hasn't been my cup of tea for quite a while. I used to know every single dirty person in the neighborhood I lived in, and I don't mean the clothes. I mean character, personality.
But it wasn't my fault; no. That was on my parents. Needless to say, my past isn't spotless. Nobody's is, but mine has some extra marks that will never go away.
Despite all the rough and tragic times I managed to pull through and forgive everyone that hurt me; I'll never forget it though. I couldn't even if I wanted to. An impressionable child never forgets how their parents shoot up right in front of him.
Life goes on, that's all I can say.

I pushed the heavy door and entered the bar. It was full as usual; it was 9:30 PM on a Friday. There were a few familiar faces around; I'm really good with remembering those but never bothered to get to know any of them. I sat down by the bar because that's one of the options if you want to be left alone. Once I ended up at a booth and had tons of guys buying me drinks, not getting the message until I practically yelled at them.

"What can I get you?"
Linda asked me. She always worked on Fridays.

"Hey. Uhm, a shot of Patron and a Corona, please."

"You got it."
She grinned, grabbing one beer from the fridge below the counter.

A few seconds later my drinks were already in front of me. I paid and downed a shot of tequila, closing my eyes after swallowing the colorless liquid.

Linda asked, a Patron bottle in her hand.

I sourly grinned and pushed my shot glass towards her.


"Thank you." I said.

"You alright sweetie?"
She sympathetically looked at me, wondering.

I replied, nodding.

"This one's on the house, you enjoy your night, kay?" She pointed at the shot and winked at me, grinning.

"Will do. Thanks."

Oh, yes. Exactly what I needed. I drank Linda's complimentary shot and decided to take her advice as well; you know, have some fun.

I was vibing with the music, they were playing 00's rap and r'n'b. While sipping on my Corona, browsing through something on my cell, some guy approached me. He put his hand on my shoulder and frightened me a bit. I was usually alert for people and things surrounding me, but I was in chill mode that night.
I turned around and saw some random dude that hit on me once before. I sighed and faked a smile, see what he wanted.


"Hi." I greeted him back.

"What's a girl like you doing here all alone?" He leaned on the counter next to me.

I sourly grinned and raised my beer. Captain obvious much?

"Can I buy you another one?"
I have to admit, he was persistent. I barely got away from him last time.

"Thanks but I'm okay."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that."

"Like what?"
He was starting to get on my nerves and I probably gave him a mean look.

"All unavailable and shit."
He chuckled.

I can't believe he actually thought he was being charming.

"That I am. Sorry."
I turned back to the bar.

He scoffed and walked away.

I looked back, scanned the place and noticed someone I've seen once before; he had a familiar face but I didn't exactly know where to put it. He was sitting in the only vip booth the bar had; it was up by the DJ. He was looking at me, blowing out smoke.
I rolled my eyes and turned away, taking another sip of my drink. The last thing I needed was some intense moron following me around like a lost puppy.

Before leaving, I looked back; he wasn't there anymore.

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