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You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uh-huh, that's my bitch.

When the day started I didn't think I'd be ending it in Rakim's apartment; in his bed, to be more exact.
At first I was still a bit pissed when I woke up but it all changed after a cup of coffee.
I even got to work early; my uncle reminded me that I still have a few free days to take. I took the rest of the week off and decided to do some spring cleaning in my apartment, redecorate. It wasn't spring but you get the picture.

8 hours later and I was going through a pile of smaller boxes I had in the bottom of the closet.
One was labelled junk.
I opened it and that's when I knew it had to be burnt.

There were a bunch of old pictures of me and Minna. I remembered everything; every photo, every memory, it all flashed in front of my eyes.
Starting to get teary, I stopped myself before it got messy.
I loved her like I never loved anyone before, not even myself. Stuffing the polaroids back into the box, I pushed it back in the closet with my feet. I didn't want to deal with it anymore.

Fuck spring cleaning.

I had every intention of avoiding the Siren but right after dark I was back again, sitting at the counter, sipping on my vodka soda. My eyes were set on some point on the wall, they weren't searching for Rakim.
I'm not sure why I always end up there; It might be out of habit. It's close to my apartment, I like the music and the vibe, it's pretty lit.

I knew there was nowhere to hide and that eventually he will find me.
I turned around and scanned the place for the first time when I noticed a very familiar figure with long blonde hair I'll never forget.
She turned to the side and when my eyes gazed upon her face, my palms got sweaty. I gulped and turned back around, throwing the hood from my sweater over my head.
It was Minna and I was praying to all the gods in existence that she wouldn't notice me.

A minute later she was gone.
Tears were forming in the back of my eyes but I swallowed them down. No way in hell does her ass deserve any more tears.
I took my hood down, letting out a long loud sigh.

But the storm wasn't over yet because I felt a pair of warm hands on my shoulders; someone was standing behind me.
Hoping it wasn't Minna I turned around and was actually glad to see a familiar face; Rakim.
He was still an asshole but I wasn't complaining at the time.

He smiled and pulled me into a gentle hug. I wasn't even trying to hide the fact that I've seen a ghost from the past and he noticed that; hence the hug.
I said nothing and just loosely wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his chest.
He smelled really good, I dug his fragrance.
After him rubbing my back for a while, I lifted my head up and gave him a very sour smile.

I hate it when this happens; Someone you once loved comes along and all the progress you made just goes to shit. Suddenly you're not sure if you're over them, you take one look at them and feel this burning pain inside your chest.
Unnecessary; but it happened.

And the last thing I wanted was to think about her; I was even thankful that Rakim was there to take my mind off things.

"Let's get out of here."
He said with a little smile, taking me by the hand.
I followed him even though I had no clue where we were going; and I didn't ask.

While walking, I wanted to say something but I kept quiet instead. He glanced at me and put his arm over my shoulders.
"Don't worry; I ain't gonna ask you about it."

I just chuckled, putting my palm on my face.
"Much appreciated."
I quietly said.

"Just relax."
He said, sliding his arm off me.
I grinned with my brow raised.

I turned my head forward, smiling.

"You always so tense, running away and stuff."
He winked and pulled me by the hand as we entered an apartment building.
A few sets of stairs later, I found myself at his place. It was pretty neat; mostly all black and white but it was homey, just like the bar. The vibe inside was very comfortable.

I took a seat on the white couch, watching him and wondering what he'll do next. He grabbed two sprites from the minibar and threw himself on the couch right next to me, handing me one.
I smiled and took it.

"Unless you want something stronger."
He said.

I thought about it and decided to take him up on the offer.
"What you got?"

"Whatever you want."

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