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She the type to seek love and make it everlasting.

"I'm done Ty, I ain't playin."
Rakim repeated to Tyler. He came over for coffee after we were finished with lunch. I wanted to leave them alone but he convinced me to stay; there is nothing Tyler can't say in front of me, apparently.

I was glad Rakim decided to stop with his side business but I also knew there would be complications. You can never just get out.

I left him to deal with it as best as he can; after all, he knows his things.

"Damn, man!" Tyler removed his hat, scratching his head. "What about the supplier?"

"Why about him?"
Rakim furrowed his brows, taking a sip of his Henny.

"He ain't gonna just give you a free pass, you know what they're like."
Tyler pointed out.

I excused myself and stepped out on the balcony for a cigarette. I could only hope it all goes as planned.

"I'll talk to Fizz, don't worry about him." Rakim said. "I wanna know if you'd take over my clientele and all that?"

Tyler sighed and leaned back on the couch.
"Shit, homie."

"Come on Ty, I can help you but I need to step down, I got my hands full with The Siren and I need someone I can trust."

"I know and I get it."

"Bitch, you my only friend, I couldn't ask anyone else even if I wanted to."
Rakim told him.

"You've given me a lot to think about, lemme tell you that."
Tyler grabbed his glass and took another sip of the brown liquor, swallowing.

"Think about it, I'll take care of Fizz, he listens."
Rakim repeated.


"Aight what?"
Rakim asked.

"Aight aight. I'll do it."
Tyler replied.

"My man!"
I could tell he smiled; by his voice.

"But under one condition."


"You help me if I need it, okay?"

Rakim agreed.
"Whatever you want."

"Oh yeah, one more thing. I need a favor."
Tyler leaned closer to Rakim just as I came back inside.


"You gotta get rid of that bitch Tiffany; she's spreading nasty rumors and ratting out the dealers."

I intervened.

"Yeah, you know her?"
Tyler didn't know about Minna and I.

I tilted my head.

"Her name ain't Tiffany, it's Minna."
Rakim explained.
"She a crazy ass bitch."

"And she's my ex."
I added.

Tyler gasped quietly, his eyes widening when he looked at me.
"No shit?"

"No joke." I said, taking a seat next to Rakim. "We met two years ago."

"Damn, she a junkie and a half too. What were you doing with her?" Tyler asked.

"Wasting my time." I cynically chuckled. "I'll take care of it for you, she'll listen to me."

"You sure? I can do it, it's no problem."
Rakim offered but I shook my head.

"It's okay; just give me her cell number."


Different scenarios were going through my head as I was walking to Minna's apartment. I was only hoping she'd be there because she wasn't answering her phone. Every single thing on the way reminded me of our time together; from happy to those less pleasant memories I have.

I successfully got over her, which is why I decided to talk to her and close that door forever.

I stepped into the building and took the stairs to the second floor; third door on the left.
I knocked and waited.

The door opened but the woman on the other side wasn't Minna. Hell, she didn't even look like an addict. And I could clearly see she was doing quite some renovating.

She greeted me with a confused smile.

"Hi. I'm sorry to bother you."
I apologized.

"It's okay, how can I help you?"
She was very nice.

"Uhm, well I was just wondering what happened to the previous tenant; Minna Walker? She used to live here."

The woman's face changed when I mentioned Minna's name. She had that sympathetic look and I wasn't sure what that stood for.

"The young lady with blonde hair?"
She asked.

I nodded.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss, she passed away."

She passed away.

The words echoed in my head.

"Are you sure?"
I said after snapping out of my state of shock.

"I'm afraid so."
She replied.

"Do you know what happened?"

"They only told me it was an accident of some sort, don't know for sure." She explained.

I quietly nodded.

"Would you like to come in for some tea?" She offered. It was very nice of her but I couldn't.

"Sounds lovely but I can't stay." I was honest. "Thanks for the information."

"No problem, I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."
I replied before turning around and walking away.

On my way home it hit me.
It hit me like a passing train.
I had yet to determine what kind of consequences this occurrence would leave.

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