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You could call me what you wanna.

For a few seconds it was like the whole world stopped; our gazes were locked as his fingers were wrapped around my arm. He definitely had something in him; the moment seemed too magical.

He was just smiling at me, standing there.

"Did I lose my keys again?"
It was an ice breaking joke.

He chuckled.
"Haven't found any."

He pulled his hand back first, scratching his forehead, then stuck it out and introduced himself.

"Dita." I replied, shaking his hand. He didn't let go of it, just kept holding it.

"Nice to meet you."
He said.

"Likewise." I gently pulled my hand back and then he let it go.
"Flacko. If that's your real name, I'm sorry."

He laughed.
"My friends call me that or Rocky. You like that better?"

"How about your real name instead." I was wondering how come I haven't noticed him before. He's pretty hard to miss.

He leaned closer.

"I like that better."
My smile widened; he charmed me, I admit.

"Aight then, Dita. You come here often?" He asked.

"Sometimes, when I badly need a drink." I was joking, which he got right away. It would be a bit awkward if he thought I was an alcoholic or something.

"Honest, I like that. Now is the right time I suppose; can I get you another one?" He offered but the timing couldn't be more off.

"Maybe some other time, I'm here with a friend." I let him know, hoping I could take a raincheck.

"Bring her along."

"It's him, not her. He's only here for one night so I can't. But I'd love to some other time..."
I was already babbling which was very unlike me.

"That's cool. Come around when you're free. If I'm not here ask for Flacko at the bar."
He explained.

"Okay. I'll see you around."
I turned around and smiled before returning to Devin and our table.
Rakim smiled back at me.

The place was still pretty crowded but I got through in no time. Devin was already waiting for me with two more cocktails.

"Yo, where you been? I thought you passed out." He teased me. I took a seat across from him, grabbing my piña colada.

"Oh come on, bitch... I'm not even remotely close to that stage."
We raised our drinks and kept the party going.


I opened my eyes, trying to compose myself. At least I was in my own bed, which I noticed a few seconds later. I was also very much naked; that was fine until I turned over and saw Devin. I lifted the duvet and saw he wasn't wearing anything either.
It didn't feel like I had sex. I would've probably been at least a little sore; given the fact that I haven't been with a man for over a year.
I decided to ask Devin later instead of panicking right away, waking him up.
I got up and grabbed the black silky robe from the closet, then went to the kitchen to make some coffee. My head was pounding from all that liquor mixing, but it's not the worst I felt. Nothing codeine, a cup of coffee and some orange juice won't fix.
5 minutes later I was already sitting outside in my bean bag with a mug in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

Devin joined me after a while, holding the biggest mug he could find in my cabinet.

"Morning." I said.
He sat down beside me and buried his face into his palm.

"Holy shit! Bitch, how much did we drink, I can hear myself blink." He mumbled.

"Ha, welcome to the club." I tapped his shoulder.
"I have no idea, but I'm guessing a lot."

"Oh my god, I haven't been this buzzed in years."

I chuckled.
"Want a pain killer?"

"Nah, just some food."
He yawned.

"Kay. How bout bacon, eggs and some toast?"
I took another drag of my cigarette.

"Sounds great. I'll help you, just give me a sec." He leaned his head back.

"No stress, It won't take long. Chill, pull yourself together."
I put the cigarette out, lifting myself up.

After we had breakfast and lied on the couch for a while watching TV, Devin left. He also confirmed we did not do anything last night; just took our clothes off and passed out. I took a bath and continued detoxing before going to bed early. I was half dead. Drinking isn't as easy as it used to be when I was a teenager.

Lying in bed, trying to fall asleep I found myself thinking about Rakim. He's so cute. Those eyes and his smile, he's very interesting. It was only 9 PM and I wondered if he's there now. Maybe I should go see, have a Pepsi or use the drink as an excuse.
I didn't think twice. I got out of bed, grabbed my black sweats and an oversized hoodie in the same color and got dressed. I was on my way in no time. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun as I was walking and when I finally reached the entrance, I stopped.

What if this wasn't the best idea? The last thing I wanted was to come off as a stalker.
Nevertheless, I stepped in and hoped he wouldn't think I'm strange.

The place wasn't as empty as you'd think, especially on a Sunday night. I didn't see Rakim anywhere so I went to the bar to ask for him like he said.

Linda wasn't working that night, someone else was.
"Hi, is Flacko here?"

The guy eyed me from top to bottom, pouring beer.
"Who's asking?"

"Uhm, Dita."
I was starting to get a little nervous.

He kept looking at me and then nodded.
"Second door on the right, over there."

I went in the given direction and entered a narrow hallway. Knocking on the door, I waited.

I heard Rakim's voice in the background; I remembered what it sounds like. Seemed like he was talking to someone.
A few seconds later, he opened the door with a cellphone in his hand. I was right, he was talking on the phone.
He instantly smiled when he saw me, hanging up.

"Dude, I gotta go. Call you back later."

I greeted him. "Can I take you up on that drink?"

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