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Had a bachelors degree, PhD while selling speed.

"She's fucking dead."
I mumbled.

"Jesus! I'm sorry, baby. I mean, I didn't like her but dang, I never wished anyone dead."
Rakim replied, his arm wrapped around me.
He made us coffee while we were chilling at his place. I still couldn't believe Minna was gone.
Just like that.

I muttered.

"It's gonna be okay; there's nothing you could've done; you tried and it didn't work out."
He meant to console me, I knew that.

"True, all true. But I still quit on her; and when she came to see me, I yelled at her... oh my god Rakim."
I sighed.
"What have I done?"

"Nothing. Now you listen to me."
He gently cupped my face with his warm hands, looking into my eyes.
"She was an addict. You did more for her than I've seen anyone else do for someone like that. It hurts, I get it, I lost people before as well and I'm telling you; you cannot blame yourself."

A tear rolled down my cheek.

"You get me?"

I nodded.

"Come on; let's grab some food, okay?"



Three months later

"Open it."

Rakim was standing in front of me with a bag with a satin bow on it.

"What is it?"
He never ceased to surprise me.

"Just open it."
He winked and watched me unbox my gift.

I carefully pulled it out, revealing a box that said Michael Kors on it.

"You did not!"
I exclaimed.

"I might've."
He chuckled.

A week ago we were at the mall and I fell in love with a pair of Michael Kors stilettos, I tried them on and they fit perfectly; they were just too expensive. After he stopped dealing, I started saving a bit, I opened another account that we both would have access to. So spending $200 for heels seemed a bit much.

I opened the box and gasped, looking at him with the widest smile on my face.

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to, stop. Try'em on again."
He grinned, caressing my cheek.

I slid into the most perfect pair of heels in existence, twirling around like a little princess.

Wrapping my arms around Rakim I fell into his embrace and pressed our lips together.

"I love them, thank you baby!"

"You're welcome; besides, they look good on you. Mhm."
He mumbled as his face was practically an inch away from mine.


"Mos def."
He kissed me.

We went for dinner and I wore my new shoes.


"I had a really nice time tonight."
My one hand was tucked in his hoodie pocket, the other one wrapped around his waist. We were on our way back from the restaurant.

"Me too, baby cakes."
He pulled me closer.
"Tyler called, asked me for somethin'... you gonna be okay for an hour or two?"

I knew what he promised Ty and what he did for Rakim was something not just anyone would do, so I never held it against him, when Ty needed him.

"Yeah, sure. You invite him to lunch this weekend, okay?"
I said.

"Will do."
I watched my boyfriend's smile flash at me, thinking what a weird fucking thing we have.

I still can't believe we met at a bar and after a rocky start, this is where we ended up.
I loved him with all my heart and everything in me.

"Aight, I'll bring us dessert, kay? What you in the mood for?"

"Uhm, cheesecake, definitely."
I chuckled and leaned on him.

"You got it."
He made that clicking noise with his mouth.

I went home and he headed to Tyler's.

Covered with a blanket, I was waiting for my dessert to arrive; and the food too.
I was watching some dumb chick flick and browsing my phone at the same time, using TV for more of a background noise.

Two hours later I dozed off, completely losing my sense for time; my phone started ringing and woke me up.


"Dita? Where you at?"
It was Tyler.
He sounded distressed.

"Yeah, I'm at home, what's going on?"
I snapped out of it immediately.

"Come to the Mercy downtown now, Rakim's been shot."

When he finished the sentence, my mind went black.

Hell fucking no!
This can't be happening.

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