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by the time everyone was ready to sleep, it was around one in the morning. the only ones who were still wide awake were chenle and yuta. they all decided on a movie and a lot of popcorn while laying on the floor, couch, and the chair the two newlywed's had. 

donghyuck left mark to go and cuddle with johnny who looked at mark to make sure he was okay with this. he just nodded, deciding to go and cuddle with taeyong. jaehyun was on the other side of him so he was sandwiched between them. mark had a little bit of energy still in him, but it was nothing compared to chenle. he was sitting up, eyes locked on the movie. 

"congratulations again, bub," jaehyun said, his voice heavy with sleep. mark smiled shyly at him, shifting his body just enough so he could rest his head on jaehyun's chest. taeyong and jaehyun really are like brothers to mark. sure, the others are like brothers as well, but jaehyun and taeyong are the most supportive. 

"chenle, please lay down you're blocking the screen," taeil said, causing chenle to jump a little before laying down next to jisung while saying sorry. jisung hummed as he wrapped his arms around the elder, rendering chenle motionless. both donghyuck and mark awed at them causing most of the boys to look at them.

"y'all really are in sync," renjun stated, looking up from where he, jeno, and jaemin laid. mark and donghyuck shared a look before settling back into their original positions. 

slowly, everyone started drifting off as someone put another movie in. mark could tell jaehyun was still awake; his breathing hasn't slowed down. taeyong has been out for a while now, and so has jisung and chenle (surprisingly). 

"aren't you tired yet, jaehyun," mark asked, not looking away from the television because he was comfortable. jaehyun hummed a little, shifting a little. 

"not entirely. i had, like, three red bulls due to yuta. can't trust that man at parties," jaehyun chuckled. mark nodded his agreement; yuta was always ready to party and he liked to be the life of it, too. he partied nicely though, he respected the two's wishes by not drinking, and mark appreciated that. 

"you should be asleep now. you had a long day," jaehyun said after a few minutes of silence. the only others who were still awake were jeno, jaemin, and renjun. they were having a quiet conversation, and mark didn't want to intrude so he focused on the movie.

"i think i'm still on a high from it, if that makes sense," mark responded. he really did want to sleep, he knew he needed to, but he just couldn't. the excitement of the events from earlier are keeping him awake. he looks down at donghyuck sleeping comfortably next to johnny and ten on the other side of the chicago native. his hair is already a mess; it'll be adorable in the morning. 

"i was like that at our wedding. he got mad at me the next day because i slept most of it," jaehyun gazed fondly over at taeyong, who had a small pout on his face. mark looked back at jaehyun, who had a soft smile on his face. that's exactly how he feels about donghyuck: that he's the absolute best thing. it's not a new feeling, but he'll never get over it.

"where did you two go again for your honeymoon," mark asked, completely forgetting about his own honeymoon. they've barely even talked about it. there have been more important things to worry about as opposed to a honeymoon.

"he insisted that we go to connecticut even though i gave much better options. he wanted me to see my family again, and wanted to learn more about where i lived for four years," jaehyun shook his head in disbelief at his husband, but it was fond. it really goes to show how much taeyong loves jaehyun, and vice versa. 

"i wanna be like you two once hyuck and i get older," mark sighed contently, nuzzling his head into jaehyun's chest. the elder chuckled as he readjusted, wrapping an arm around the younger's shoulders, rubbing his thumb over his shoulder. even though mark was all grown up and has been on his own for what seems like forever, jaehyun still (and might always) feel the need to protect him. it's endearing, really.

"you will, believe me. now sleep. you've had a long day," jaehyun whispered, knowing they were the only ones still awake. mark simply hummed before closing his eyes. jaehyun chuckled one last time before he too fell asleep, the red bull finally wearing off.


the next morning, mark was the last to wake. when he did wake up, he guessed it was around noon based off how the room was lit up with sunlight. the blankets and pillows were still thrown all over the living room floor. mark rubbed his eyes and stretched his limbs, yawning in the process. he went to the bathroom to change into more appropriate clothing and to brush his teeth. afterwards, he went in search of the what seems like hundreds of guys he knows.

it didn't take him long to figure out where some of them were. the youngest of them all (besides donghyuck) were outside playing fetch with waffle, while jungwoo, taeil, and hansol were sitting on the edge of the pool, chatting about whatever. mark wanted to find the rest of them, but his wish was interrupted by waffle running at him at full speed.

"hyung! you're awake," jeno smiled brightly, his arm draped over mark's shoulder once mark joined them. waffle was wagging his tail excitedly between all six of them, not knowing who he  should look at. 

"no one woke me up," mark pouted, taking the ball from chenle's hand and throwing it across the yard,  waffle taking off like a rocket to go get it. jeno laughed, ruffling up mark's hair much to the elder's dislike. 

"you looked peaceful. i'm not sure how jaehyun woke up without bothering you. you were glued to his side. it was cute," renjun said matter-of-factly, bending down to grab the ball from waffle, throwing it across the yard before gluing himself to jaemin. 

mark sighed, looking around for donghyuck. he assumed the younger was out with either johnny or doyoung, but he wasn't one to ask. donghyuck's his own person, he doesn't need to tell mark anything, but mark just likes knowing he's safe, that he is enjoying life. it doesn't matter entirely what he's doing, as long as donghyuck is living life large but safely doing it.

"we still have to teach you to stop thinking so loud. what's on your mind," jeno questioned. mark looked over at him, and it was like he never fully appreciated how attentive jeno was to other's feelings. he always knew when someone was upset or sad, and helped them feel better.

"just wondering about donghyuck. i shouldn't, because he's independent and all, but i still worry," mark shrugged, throwing waffle's ball again to occupy himself. 

it was always a part of mark's nature, to worry about those close to him. they came first, their needs and wants were above his own. sometimes, he gets so caught up in worrying about others that he forgets to take care of himself, and it bothers his loved ones. 

trying to convince mark that everyone is okay, especially donghyuck, is hard. harder than any of them thought at first. it almost seems that in order for mark to feel relaxed, he has to know his friends and family are safe. 

"he's all dandy, mark. you trust him, and he trusts you. you have to relax, he'll let you know if anything happens," jeno reassured him, running a soothing hand up and down his back. mark sighed, nodding his head as he smiled at jeno. 

maybe everyone was right, maybe he did need to relax when it came to donghyuck. it's just a small feeling of obligation, a feeling that he has to take care of him, even though mark knows he can take care of himself. hopefully he'll grow out of it; it's probably just the feeling of just getting married that has him feeling like this. it's normal, right? he sure hopes so.


y'all, i'm back. but probably for a short time. i doubt anyone even uses this app anymore, but i'll try to update for those who still do :). hope everyone is doing well, considering the situation the whole world is in at the moment. take care! and please wear your masks!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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