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kun was currently out with mark, both of them looking for decorations for the wedding. kun recently got married to sicheng, so he knows what exactly to buy.

"i appreciate that you came to help me out," mark said as he looked at the vases. kun patted mark's shoulder gently. he was happy to be able to help out the young boy. he always is there to help out his friends whenever they need it.

"do you have a theme for the wedding," kun asked, giving a quick glance at what mark was holding.

"oh, no, we haven't thought about that," mark said quietly, gently putting the vase back down.

"do you want a traditional wedding," kun asked once again, following mark to wherever he wanted to go.

"not really," mark said once again, stopping to look at some stringers. kun nodded, thinking of untraditional ways mark and donghyuck could throw their wedding.

"what are some things you both really like," kun asked, trying to get an idea of what they should be shopping for.

"each other," mark laughed, sighing right after. kun smiled softly at how cheesy the comment was.

"but seriously, donghyuck and i both love space and marine life," mark said after a small moment of thought. kun smiled, remembering how they got into a little argument as to what fish they were going to buy.

"well then why not have the theme one of those," kun suggested, picking up some blue table decorations.

"but what if people find it childish," mark asked, admiring the object that kun was previously holding.

"mark, this is your wedding, no one else's. you have to remember it's what you want, not what others want," kun placed both of his hands on mark's shoulders, forcing mark to look at him.

"do you got that," kun asked, putting the object mark was admiring into mark's hands. kun gave him that "if you want it, buy it" look, and mark smiled a little.

"that's my boy. now, lets go find some fish decorations," kun wrapped an arm around the younger's shoulder, both of them walking around.

"oh, wait, how's this," mark stopped to pick up a string of small fish lights, reading the information on them.

"like i said, if you want it, buy it. well, i never said that, but you understand," kun chuckled, smiling as mark laughed too, putting the box of lights into the cart.

"let me call hyuck and tell him what the theme is," mark said shortly after, leaving kun with the cart as he stepped outside.

once outside, he unlocked his phone, and went to find donghyuck's contact.

"hello, babe. everything okay," donghyuck picked up after only three rings. mark blushed a little at the greeting.

"hi, darling. yea, everything's fine. just wanted to ask if a marine theme is okay with you," mark asked, kicking a random pebble that was on the sidewalk.

"like fish? if so, then yes, it's totally fine by me, babe," donghyuck said, and mark swore he felt his heart melt.

"you are honestly the best, i love you," mark breathlessly said into the phone, hearing donghyuck chuckle slightly. it was true, mark believed that donghyuck was indeed the best person on this planet.

"i love you, too, darling. want me to come shopping with you so poor kun can go back with sicheng," donghyuck laughed when mark gasped dramatically.

"i'm not that bad. but if you're willing to drive over here, then be my guest," mark agreed, messing with the ends of his sleeves.

"alright, babe, i'll be there in ten minutes. send kun on his way," donghyuck laughed, which made mark laugh as well. donghyuck's laugh was so contagious.

"alrightly, i'll see you soon, drive safe," mark said as he turned back around to head to the building.

"i will," donghyuck said, and then there was a click, signalling that donghyuck hung up. mark sighed, a big smile on his face as he walked back into the building.

"hyuck's on his way, you can go if you want," mark said as he found kun in the same spot.

"really? are you sure? i've got nothing else to do," kun asked, looking at mark with a confused face.

"yes, i'm sure. go home to sicheng. he misses you," mark smiled, patting kun on the back gently. kun smiled, hugging mark quickly before he grabbed his keys and left. mark sighed, a smile on his face.

mark didn't even need to wait ten minutes before donghyuck was there by his side.

"so, marine theme," donghyuck chuckled, arm around mark's waist protectively. mark really did feel safe when donghyuck held him like this.

"hey, you said it was okay," mark snapped back, but there was a hint of playfulness in his voice. donghyuck pulled mark closer, enjoying the little giggle that came from him.

"you're right, i did. let's go find some fish."
this was long overdue

cuddle buddy, a sequelWhere stories live. Discover now