🍼Chapter 19: THE END 🍼

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Jungkook's POV:

Me and Yeri we're sitting awkwardly in front of each other.

Our room had 2 beds facing each other and a small table with two chairs in between both beds. We had a tv and a couch. Unlike the other room, we didn't have a window on the wall, instead the ceiling was completely glass to see the stars while sleeping.

All rooms had something beautiful, and I'm glad to have to this room or any really!

Ok. Back to the present now!

"So...?" Yeri talked first.

"Right. I'll explain myself." I said preparing myself but she stopped me with her hand sassily.

"I'll ask, you answer." She said pissed. "Why did you leave?"

"I had to." I said taking a deep breath. "I had to leave, it was too much for me. I couldn't breath. With you finding out, that was already hard, but then the whole school? I couldn't handle it anymore. I had to take a break out of it."

"Why did you ignore me? Why didn't you answer any of my calls or texts?" She asks me.

"I lost my phone while running out. With my company too busy to publish announcements and members too busy with their schedule, I couldn't get a new phone. I couldn't even order it online, they were too scared that the delivery guy would do something. Also, they wanted me to take a break from all of this."

She nodded but she still wasn't satisfied, so I decided to continue, before I was quickly cut off. "Also-"

"No, now you listen to me." She said confidently while smirking, she pushed her chair closer to me and also motioned to bring mine closer. Our legs were touching underneath the table and we were both feeling the tension, we were both red, but I guess she was better at hiding it.

"You, I like you a lot. Ever since the beginning, something about you was different, well obviously. But anyways, that intrigued me, it made me more curious, I had to find out how you actually were. You didn't talk to anyone. And while doing that, I catched feelings and I know you're going to reject me, but I just wanted to let it out." She smiled at me in pain.

"Oh but-" I said But she cut me off "no it's fine, you don't have to tell me!" She quickly said while trying to hold back her tears while smiling.

"Oh no, now you listen." I said repeating her same voice and tone from a few minutes ago. She was starting to cry and that really broke me, but I had to say it.

"I like you too, in fact I always did ever since you debuted. We obviously had to separate for you know what reasons, but I would do anything but hurt you again. So Yeri, will you be my beloved special one? My...girlfriend?" I said the last part shyly.

I quickly got out the necklace and put it around her neck while she kept on crying.

She got on her tippy toes and placed a quick peck on my cheek.

"Aww that's all I get for confessing and getting you a necklace?" I say like a little kid.
She grins at me and she puts her arms around my neck.

"Hmm... what more could you want? You've already got the perfect girlfriend?" She asked me, obviously to tease me.

"I'll show you." I said and our lips met. It was just right, it was full of love, not love, hatred or anything, just like how it's supposed to be. Her lips were sweet just like candy.

The door opened quickly and she quickly went under the bed. It was Taehyung at the door, he was smirking.

"So... what were you guys doing?" He asked obviously wanting to make fun of me. "W-what do you mean? There's only me here?" I said back trying to sound confident. Great I'm starting to become Jimin...

"Say that to the arm under the bed. Get out of there Yeri." Irene came and tried to hold in her laughter.

Yeri quickly got out all red.

"We were studying, weren't we?" Yeri said to me, and I quickly nodded.

"Say that to the lipstick smudged over both of your faces, go wash it off and come eat! Me and Wendy made it." Yoongi said and they all ran off to eat, Yoongi left after winking at us and closing the door.

"Let's just go eat..." I said happily, I mean a girl's got to get her food, right?

Joy's POV:

I watched the full clip,and I just realized that all of Sungjae songs were about me. The clip showed him making his new songs, dances, even his cookies, were about me! He even made multiple apology videos, he explained that he was forced to break up with me, but he didn't want me to get hurt by that, so he made himself look like a cheater, so I would despise him.

And Jin helped him because he felt bad.

I quickly run towards my phone, I hope it's not too late, it's only been 3 hours... I text him real quick, telling everything I needed to.


I hear little knocks on my room door. "Come in!" I say waking up from my little nap of like 6 hours?

Sungjae comes in and opens the light, he looks tired, he has bed hair and dark circles under his eyes. I look at the time and it's literally 3 AM. I gasped, I just woke him up.

I run to him and we hug for a while, we're both crying while remembering all of our memories.

We talked for hours and hours till it was morning, and that's when we fell asleep.

Jin's POV:

I woke up early with Jungkook and we both went out to buy breakfast for everyone.

We just bought pancakes, and Jungkook texted everyone what they wanted and they all replied, well some were sleeping but we all knew what each other liked.


Everyone was awake finally, and we were all eating our pancakes. We were all joking around, talking, playing uno too!

The main door opens, we all look at who entered. It was Wendy's parents!

We all ran towards them and hugged them.

"Who's ready for the sugar shack?!" Wendy's dad asked and we all screamed in happiness.

We all got inside the extra van that could fit all of us, we got along way better than we did before.

No one's POV:

Irene started getting comfortable around Taehyung, Taehyung achieved his goal to always make Irene smile or laugh. Wendy finally got a hold of Yoongi, Yoongi started becoming way more responsible and happy. Seulgi and Jimin started getting jams. Joy and Sungjae are trying to start a new cafe together. Yeri became more confident, Jungkook was
going off to university!


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