🍼Chapter 12🍼

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Jungkook's POV:

"Shit" Jin said and then turned to leave but was stopped when Joy came inside from the front door, her face fully red and was crying , wasn't she inside her room? Everyone also noticed that too.

"Where were you?" Irene asks with her arms crossed to her, she looked nervous but then gave an honest answer, as if lying wasn't going to help.

"Umm, I left..." she said quietly while looking around aware that Namjoon was there. But Irene waited for another answer and she was going to get it. She sighed. "Fine, I got out for, the window to meet Sungjae."

"Then why are you crying?" Seulgi asks clueless. Jimin quickly whispered something in her ears and she went all red and whispered a quick sorry to Joy. I look to my side, Yeri already was by Joy's side with the other girls hugging her while she bursted to tears.

Namjoon saw all of that, and just left the dorms, the guys and me quickly whispered a quick bye, but Jin stayed. I looked confused, but he nodded and told me to leave, so I did.

Jin's POV:

I stayed while the girls were hugging each other and sat, after a while the stopped hugging and looked at me.

"What?" I asked confused. "Why are you even here?" Yeri asked honestly but got a little slap from Wendy saying to not say that to a senior.

"It's fine, we're not working right now. But I'm here for Joy." I said getting up, they all looked at her and just left to their rooms.


After a while of awkward staring, I finally decided to break the silence, since the guys were still waiting for me.

"Look, the reason why I wanted to talk to you is about-" I was about to continue but was cut by Joy.

"I know, Sungjae told me that you wanted us to break up" she said it as if it was poison in her mouth, she had a glare in her eyes and I could tell she already despised me. I mean, who wouldn't?

I just made her break up. I sighed and continued talking. "That's because-" But I was cut off by her again. "Why? Why would you want to do that to me? I did nothing to you!" She screamed tears threatening to fall.

I could tell she was a tough person, because she wouldn't let those tears fall, she would muster up the strongest face she had, even if it was hard. Something I admire, a lot actually, ever since her debut.

I sighed again, "Let me explain, please stop cutting my words." I ran a hand through my hair and looked straight to her eyes. "I did it for a good reason, trust me, I'm his best friend, he had bad intentions."

She got even more furious and got up. "No! I changed his playboy habits! I know I did, he stopped cheating on girls!" I also got up and said in a serious voice. "Then what about Sohyun, Chorong, Namjoo?"

She was at lost at words but quickly responded. "What about them? It's his exes, nothing else." She said being clueless. "Exes that he cheated on you with."

"No wa-" but she stopped when I showed her the photos of them from my phone. "But you're his best friend, why would you show me this?"

"I am his best friend, yes. But he warned you about his habits, you accepted, but when girls think they made the habits leave and ACTUALLY love him, I give them a reality check."

She bursted into tears and gave me a big hug, I hugged her back. "Thank god, nice people like you still exist" I gave her a shy smile and gave her quick wave and left.

I got out and saw Namjoon from the car, completely pissed.


Taehyung's POV:

We all got into the car and We we're talking for a long time, all of us, but Namjoon.

"Bro, I understand that you might be pissed or whatever, but can you atleast explain why?" I asked him.

"Fuck off" he said and turned back.

"Way to go, Tae" I hear Yoongi saying. "Well you try then, mister I can do everything" I say frustrated, he signals me to move aside as he taps his shoulder.

"Bro, why are you pissed? We literally did nothing wrong." He said, and that's when he snapped.

"Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong!" He screamed, I whispered in his ears. "Way to go, Yoongi!"

"Everything went wrong! You guys weren't supposed to even be NEAR red velvet" he screamed going completely red and furious.

"What the fuck? I understand maybe back then, but now? Not even near?" Hoseok said seriously, and that was rare.

"Look, I can't say anything about why or whatever, but it's just something you guys can't do." He said sighing and trying to control his anger.

"Well, then if you're not gonna give us an explanation, Then we could keep on doing whatever they want, I thought being a team is to tell everything to each other." Jimin said.

"Ya, well if you guys were a team and told me everything, then you guys would have about this situation too." He said making everyone shut up and he put his earphones back in.

At that moment, Jin enters the van and signals the driver to drive us home. He looks confused as to why, not only Namjoon is pissed, but also Yoongi and Hoseok.

Jimin whispers the situation to Jin and he nods and sleeps on his seat. The drive was long and awkward, but it finally ended.

Everyone got out and quickly went inside the apartment, nobody talked.

I quickly get undressed to go to bed, but a little note slips out, I pick it up and see:


I chuckle a bit too loudly and Jimin's head pops up in my room "What's funny?" I quickly hide it and stumble a bit.


I say with a smile.

Maybe a new start?

Or a broken heart?

A/N HOLA CHICOS IM BACK! lmao i got grounded for
my grades and i'm finally back! i'm gonna upload way more chapters for both of my stories now, sorry for not warning about my absence.

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