Chapter Twelve

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Things had not gotten any better. For us fictional characters and for Ash.

Billy, Jim, Jenny, Jane, Sue, and I live in the same house with our writer. We are like her children, even though that she does not think of us like that. She never wanted children of her own and will never have any. Instead, she calls us and her other fictional characters the friends that always understands her.

We had to go to school today. Ash said so. However, she could not go anywhere. Due to the circumstances - you know what I mean - the leaders insisted that she should stay at home until tomorrow. The leaders would hold a meeting, an important case, about who or what caused the button to activate. They knew from the bottoms of their fictional hearts that Ash was innocent.

We desired to skip school and stay at home to comfort our writer, but she strictly told us that we had to go and added that we should not miss school just because of her and a false claim.

"Besides, you six know for sure that I would never commit such a horrible crime. That would bring me down to the real worlders' level," she explained. "You believe me. Right?"

Of course, we did not hesitate. It was completely obvious that she was not behind it. She has a kind heart and would never do what a real worlder would do.

The six of us had gotten to school in the nick of time and climbed into our seats. Usually, we would be eager to learn something new about Forlot and the fictional world. Today...not so much.

Our class has four teachers. Mr. Harry. Mr. June. Ms. Taffy. And Mrs. Burtmon. Mr. Harry is our main teacher.

Mr. Harry had short, white hair and wore a brown jacket and brown pants with brown shoes. Mr. June had short, brown hair and wore a black hat on top of his head. He was wearing a black jacket and black pants with blue shoes. Ms. Taffy had curly, black hair and wore a pink, short-sleeved top, purple pants, and silver shoes. Mrs. Burtmon had curly, brown hair and was wearing a pink dress with white flowers that touched her knees. She had on glasses and dark pink heels.

Mr. Harry was standing in front of the classroom. He adjusted his glasses as he taught the class how to write a fanfiction.

"The key is simple," he explained thoroughly. "When you ship two fictional characters, there are two things that you should never do. Making the ship cringeworthy, and the other is never shipping Margie Morgan and Nigel Sanders! Just because our writer teases that does not mean that it is happening. He glared past us and at you readers. "That last rule was for you."

He continued teaching, but I zoned out. I could not think about fanfictions. I could not be happy that fictional characters were finally free from the real worlders thanks to Ash. I was too busy thinking, too busy worrying, about my writer. She is nice, kind, and understandable. She would never take away innocent lives. No matter what!

Then who did it? Who pushed the button and doomed the real world? Was it by accident?

Or on purpose?

I was not the only person in my group who was concerned for our writer. Jenny was also.

The six of us sit in the back of the classroom, and Jenny's desk was next to my mine. I watched Jenny gazing around the room. Her head was in her palms, and she was not pleased. In fact, that was the look that she always had when she decided to pound me!

"I know that she did not do it," Jenny muttered to herself. "I can feel it."

"For once, I agree with you," I whispered to her.

"Shut up," she whispered back. "I was not talking to you."

"I know that. I am just trying to reassure you. I am feeling what you are feeling."

"Why? You have no idea as to how I actually feel."

"Ash would do the same thing. I want to be like her. Not exactly like her. But have her kindness and class."

She sighed and slouched in her seat. " too."

It was perfectly okay for us to talk during class. Mr. Harry never heard anyone from the back, and remember that we were seated way back!

"What are you two talking about?" Sue piped in, leaning forward. She was sitting behind me and Jenny. "And Jenny had better not be flirting with you, Tim. That is my job."

Jenny's mouth opened wide. "Ew! As if!" She stuck out her tongue.

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, Sue. You have made that crystal clear."

"Good." Sue was now practically lying flat on her stomach and on the table. Her legs were in the air. "Speaking of which, how come you never call me?"

"Well, for one thing, I have a life."

Her eyebrows raised. "Did...did you roast me?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Hey," Jim and Billy said in unison. "What is the love triangle up to?"

I facepalmed. "This is no love triangle."

"Yeah! For once in my fictional life, I agree with the twerp," Jenny said. "I do not love Tim and never will. Anyone who loves Tim is insane."

"Could you guys shut up already?" Jane jumped in. "I have been waiting to learn how to write better fanfictions, and it is finally happening. Plus, who would not want to date Tim? He is a sweetheart."

"Class, I have fantastic news!" Mr. Harry spoke loud to get our attentions. "Tomorrow, we will be going on a field trip to LaVein and LaVon's place. They will show us around and give us tips how to live life."

I noticed Jenny smiling, and she leaned over to me.

"I have a plan," she said. "It will get Ash out of this mess."

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