Chapter Twenty

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Katrina was so very happy. You could tell because she was dancing and humming a cheerful tune.

Breaking up with Benny was the biggest mistake in her life. She still had feelings for him, and the same can be said for Benny. He was mortified by the breakup and thought that they were a great couple. Katrina knew all of this and much more, so how could she apologize and make it up to him?

The two of them should get married. Right?

It was her suggestion, and her kiss sealed the deal. And just as she had hoped, Benny neither had questions nor doubts about them officially being married. They truly loved each other.


Benny did. In fact, his only questions for her were when and where they would have the wedding. She giggled, for she thought that his questions were silly, and said that she would not discuss wedding plans with him until he bought her a ring. Admittedly, Benny's love for her blinded him so much that he did not put much thought into the ring. Well, the price of the ring.

Katrina encouraged him to buy the ring at that very minute and added that she did not desire to eat some scrumptious food from the best restaurant in the world. She wanted him to propose!

Benny was eager to claim her as his wife and already thought of the perfect ring for both her and her finger. He took her hand, and they left the restaurant.

This was why Katrina was filled with happiness. They went to the jewelry shop and picked out a ring that was very expensive, and Benny proposed to her right then and there.

"And to think, Benny had to trade in his favorite video game in order to get me my ring," she said, eyeing the small ring that was on her finger. It was real gold with a blue diamond on top.

She was now skipping down the sidewalk. Benny had gone to make plans for their wedding. He had plenty of ideas for the perfect wedding, and that was fine with her.

No. That was beyond perfect.

Little did Benny know that Katrina could care less about their wedding. She did not care about the ring that he bought for her. Mostly importantly, she did not truly love him.

She was using him.

Then why? Why did she insist that they get married?

That was what she was going to tell Ava.

She took out her cellphone and turned it on. She dialed a phone number and raised her phone to her ear. "Hello? Ava?"

Ava had answered and was on the other end. "Yes? Ah. Katrina. My, my. It has been a while since we last chatted. How are things going?"

"They are going as planned." She smirked. "And you will never believe what I am now."

"A lady who needs a voice change?"

"No! For the record, my voice is not ear-piercing. Just ask my future husband."

"Your future husband? Oh. I see. You are engaged and now a future wife."

"Yes!" Katrina squealed. "Is that not exciting?"

"Sure. Be married. Have kids. Are you asking yourself to be tortured for the rest of your life?"

"What? No. I am not stupid. I thought about this plan for a while now."

"Plan? Oh, boy. So this must be a rich real worlder."

"Nope. It is Benny."

"Benny? Are you setting yourself up to fail?"

"Do you not have faith in me? I am doing this for you too."

"Girl, the only person whom I have faith in is our writer."

"Ash J.? I thought that you hated her."

"Gosh, no. She thought of us. We are hers. I have so much respect for her."

She stopped skipping and walked normally. "But you are a bad guy."

"And that is why I am the best fictional villain." She blew away a strand of her hair. "I suppose that I should get you a wedding gift."

"If you want, but it is not really necessary. Benny and I will not actually get married. I told him that I would take care of our marriage documents, and..." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "...I will make a fake document."

"Yeah, yeah. Come over to my house, my cottage, and I will give you your wedding present."

Katrina became a bit surprised. "That was fast. Wait a second. Do you have a cheap gift for me?"

"It is the opposite. This present will change your life forever."

Katrina was confused at what Ava meant by that.

Change her life? What little gift could possibly do that?

"Alright, Ava. I was going to visit you anyway so you could see my new ring."

"I look forward to your visit. See you soon."

"Goodbye." She hung up and put away her phone.

She knew exactly where Ava's cottage was and kicked up her speed. She really wanted to show off the ring to Ava and see how she would react.

Katrina soon made it to the cottage and knocked on the front door.

"Hello? Ava? It is me. Katrina."

There was no answer, so she gripped the doorknob, twisted it, and opened the door. She poked her head in.

"Ava? Oh, there you are!"

Ava was in her rocking chair and reading a book. The book was called Forgotten Forest and really good because Ava herself was enjoying it.

"Ah, murders. I love them!"

Sitting on the floor and near the rocking chair were two young kids. One of them was Cal, and the other one was unknown.

Katrina stepped inside. "Ava."

Ava lowered her book, and her eyes glistened when she saw Katrina. "Katrina!" She hopped out of the rocking chair and tossed the book aside. "I am excited to see you." She grabbed the unknown child's hand and introduced him. "Katrina, this is Bobby. He is your and Benny's son. You two also have a daughter."

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