Chapter Fifteen

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"Here we are!" Mr. June announced. "The Cabes' home."

The bus pulled up to the gorgeous mansion, and its doors opened. Some of the students had their faces pressed against the windows. Others were up from their seats and jumping. Our class had not been on a field trip for quite some time, so this was a big deal for them.

Mr. June and Ms. Taffy got up and exited the bus. Mr. Harry and Mrs. Burtmon got up from their seat and faced us and the rest of the class.

"Mrs. Burtmon and I desire to go over some rules with you while Ms. Taffy and Mr. June find the Cabes and tell them that we have arrived," Mr. Harry stated.

"There are three rules," Mrs. Burtmon said, holding up three fingers and moving them back and forth. "The first rule is to be respectful towards LaVein, LaVon, us teachers, your fellow classmates, and yourself."

A girl raised her hand. "What if we come in contact with a real worlder?" she asked.

"Do not worry about that. Real worlders may be real, but that does not mean that they are in Forlot."

"But what if we do see one? They hate fictional characters, especially us."

"Let one of us, your teachers, know, and the four of us will kick them out of Forlot."

Right now, you may be saying, "Jeez. Are you guys racist towards real worlders? Why do you treat us so badly? Do you not know that there are some good real worlders?"

If you were thinking along those lines, you must believe that my kind is dumb. If you were not, congratulations! You have class.

The definition of real worlders is "a group of people who do not love God and/or are pure evil." Let me break down this definition.

Real worlders are the following:

- Evil

- Promote sin

- "Good" (do not love God)

- Deny Jesus

- Hate Lubriems

- Easily offended

- Hate fictional characters

If you are not this type of person - or do not wish to be - you would be the opposite of a real worlder.

A Lubriem.

Also, you cannot be neither a real worlder nor a Lubriem. You are one or the other.

"The second rule is to not talk while LaVein or LaVon is talking," Mr. Harry explained. "You will get the chance to ask them questions when they are ready to do so."

"The third and most important rule..." Mrs. Burtmon started. " to stick with the group. Do wander off. You could get lost, and we might never find you."

The "we might never find you" part was exaggerated. The teachers would make sure to not leave without all the students. Mrs. Burtmon was just scaring the ones who were thinking of leaving the group to explore.

Mr. Harry adjusted his glasses. "Breaking any of these rules will result you in going back on the bus and remaining there until the trip is over. You hear me?"

"Yes, sir," we agreed to his terms. Well, Jenny, Jim, Sue, Billy, Jane, and I had our fingers crossed.

As soon as Mr. Harry and Mrs. Burtmon got off, the students hurried to leave the bus. To be honest, they were acting like animals, so my gang and I waited until it was safe to leave our seats.

But poor Billy. He could not wait, for the girl who was crazy for him had a grip on his jacket and was dragging him down the aisle.

"Help!" he shouted. "I am too young for marriage! Too young to even date!"

"I got this," Jenny said as she stood up and grabbed ahold of the girl. She dragged her to the open doors and pushed her out. "Stay away from him! He does not love you."

The girl growled, dusted herself off, and slowly walked to where the group was.

Jenny poked her head outside, and then glanced at us.

I helped up Billy, and he looked at Jenny. He was surprised that she had saved him.

"Thank you, Jen—"

"Do not thank me," she snapped. "I only helped you because we are on a mission. 'Cause of Ash." She motioned for us to step outside. "Follow me."

"Uh, why?" Jim questioned. "Tim has always been the leader. He should be the one whom we follow."

"This is my plan. Not his! That means that I will carry it out."

Sue, Jane, Billy, and Jim looked at me to see if I approved of Jenny's claim.

I honestly did not like Jenny being in charge. Even her plan had loopholes! But I did not desire to argue with her. Every second that we wasted was a death sentence to Ash.

"Let us follow her," I said. Then I added, "For now."

We followed Jenny off the bus and to the back of the bus. That is where we hid.

The bus doors soon closed, and coming out of the barn and to the class and teachers were none other than LaVein Cabe and LaVon Cabe.

LaVein and LaVon are husband and wife and love each other deeply. LaVein had short, brown hair and wore a black jacket and black pants with brown shoes. He also had on an eye monocle. LaVon had long, brown hair and was wearing a long, aqua dress that touched the ground. She was holding opera glasses.

"Hello, kids," LaVon greeted. "It is nice to meet you all."

"Welcome to our humble land," LaVein said. "We will be showing you today how to live life happily without bad people interfering. We will head to the barn first."

"Perfect," Jenny whispered. "That will give us some time to search in the mansion."

When our class and teachers were out of sight, we hurried up to the mansion. As we reached the front door, it opened.

And standing in the doorway...

...was George Parks. Holding a briefcase.

"Well, well, well," he said. "Trying to clear Ash's name, are we? How quaint."

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