Chapter Forty-Four

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I knocked on the door again, a bit louder this time. "Caleb," I said as I scrambled to my feet. "You hear that cry?"

"Of course," he replied sternly. "That is me."

"I was not referring to you."

"Hold on. You were not?"

"Nope. I heard someone crying for help. A girl, and I am positive that came from Cindy."

"What?!" Without any indication as to what he was about to do, he swung open the door, causing it to hit me.

I fell on my bottom and rubbed the side of my head. "Ow. You could have warned me that you were coming out. I was right by the door."

"Whoops. Sorry." He grabbed my hands, helped me up, and dusted off my clothes. "My bad. Now, what did you say about my girlfriend? 'Cause it seems to me that you were trying to inform me that she is in trouble."

I grasped his arms. "Do not freak out, Caleb, but...I heard Cindy calling for help."

"Lucky" me. He did not listen to the first part of my sentence and panicked.

"The most beautiful girl in the world? My love? Oh, no!" He ran around in circles. "She is in trouble! What do I do? What do I do?!"

"Caleb!" I grabbed him, forcing him to stop in place, and slapped his face. Not hard though.

You readers may be hating me now because I slapped him, and yes. I was aware of his disorders. However, according to his doctors - he has over twenty doctors - they all agreed that one of the ways to get him to relax when he is having a panic attack is by slapping him. Just do not do it hard.

I do always feel sorry for Caleb. His disorders got worse and worse. They hardly got better, and I feel bad when I have to resort to the slapping.

"Caleb," I said his name softly, holding him close. "You need to calm down. Being in a panic attack will not solve anything. Ask our writer. She agrees with that."

He was shaking all over. His head. His hands. His arms. His legs. Even his feet. He gripped my shirt and whimpered.

"W-where is she? I-I do not want her to be hurt."

"We will find her. I promise you that. Hopefully before it is too late."

He then burst out crying. "Dang it! Let her live. Let her live!"

As if the Lord had heard our conversation from above - and there was no doubt that He did - two girls ran down towards us. They were Cassandra and Kathy. Caleb and I turned to them and noticed a couple of things right away.

There was no guess that the two girls had run into some trouble of their own. Cassandra had a huge, red cut on the side of her forehead, and Kathy was pressing a white tissue against her nose. There was blood on the tissue, so I assumed that her nose was bleeding.

"What happened to you two?" I blurted out. "It seems that you were in a fight or something."

"We were in a fight," Cassandra confirmed my suspicion.

"My goodness. With who?"

"Who else? George Parks," Kathy said.

"Did he get away?"

Cassandra gently touched her cut. "Yes, but not far. But we need to capture and contain him."

I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I know that we should capture him, but why contain? He is a fictional character who is a human and acts like a real worlder. It is not like that he is a monster."

The girls looked at each other, and then back at me and Caleb.

Kathy slowly pulled away her tissue and wiped her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. Small amounts of blood went on her sleeve. "Tim...George is part monster."

I was shocked. "What?!"

"Ash never told you, your gang, or the main characters. She was afraid to tell you."

"That is why his girlfriend Barbara was trying to calm him down earlier," Cassandra added. "He would have transformed into a big monster."

"Where is he now? Do you know?"

Neither of them had to answer my question, for it had been answered already.

We heard a roaring sound and figured out that it was coming from the courtroom.

My face flushed. "Oh, no."

Cassandra, Kathy, Caleb, and I hurried back into the room - and were greeted with a wild surprise.

There was a giant hole on the right side of us. Where one of the walls and some of the windows were supposed to be. And standing by that hole...was a monster.

Not just any monster. George.

He remained wearing his shirt and pants, however, they were ripped. His skin was purple with dark purple spots. He had claws on both his hands and feet and was showing off his sharp, white teeth. His eyes were black with green pupils.

"Listen up!" George roared. "Things will be changing around here." He grabbed ahold of Ash and lifted her up.

"Ash!" I choked out.

Caleb tugged on my shirt. "Tim?"

"What is it?"

"I found Cindy."

"Really? Where?"

He pointed a trembling finger at the monster.

George was holding someone else in his other hand, and that was none other than Cindy.

"Put me down!" Cindy ordered. "You have no right to be doing any of this!"

"Shut up, girly," George barked. "We will be playing by my rules now. And my first rule is to get rid of this writer!"

"Ah!" Ash cried out as he threw her into the air.

We were panicking and watched as our writer started falling...falling. She would have been doomed...if not for a certain somebody.

A certain villain.

Ava was floating in the air and had caught Ash. Yes. Ava. No, I am not kidding.

She set our writer back in the courtroom and gave George a do-not-mess-with-me glare.

"Game on," she said.

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