Chapter Thirty-Three

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Cindy rummaged through her small handbag. She pulled out her cellphone and switched it on. She clicked on the camera app, which opened up that app.

"Ava, you thought that you were clever. Even I assumed that you were always one step ahead."

She clicked on a photo - no, a video - and pressed the play button. She turned her phone around and showed off the video.

"I managed to find this easily. How did I find it, you ask? As you may - or may not - know, seeing that I have it, LaVein and LaVon have access to all videos that have been recorded by the cameras here in Forlot. You know. So that they capture suspicious activities. What is that? You need this video? Sorry. I am not deleting it, and you are certainly not stealing my phone and destroying it. You are just jealous because I finally put you in your place. No one has ever done that to you. Correct? Well, you now know how I have felt about you."

She quickly pulled back her cellphone and smirked.

"Actually, I take that back. You have done nothing harmful to me. After all, your evil is no match for my pure goodness. But you did hurt someone. That would be Caleb. You have harmed him so much that it is plain ridiculous. What has he done to you that would cause you to ruin all his chances at having a joyful life? Jealousy? 'Cause he is sweet and loving, and you Or do you randomly target people?"

Her smirk vanished and was replaced with a frown. "And could you stop stalking Caleb? It is creepy. Way creepy! He is not in your control anymore. He is not your slave, and I will make sure that you keep a distance from him. Even if I have to get a restraining order!"

Cindy flipped through her own photos as she continued. "I am sorry that it had to come to this. You know what? No, I am not! It is what you deserve. To get blackmailed. Now, you will hear out my demands. I will delete the video and keep what is on it to myself. I will not tell anybody. What I want - and what Caleb also needs - is his son, Cal. Cal needs to be in his care. Not yours. You are unfit to be a mother."

What I, the narrator, never confessed to you readers at the beginning of this chapter is that Cindy was never talking with Ava. She remained standing in front of the mansion and talking to herself, preparing to face Ava once again.

It was not going to be easy, however, Cindy knew that she could do it. She had to. For both Caleb and Cal.

"I can do this," Cindy said as she shoved her phone back in her handbag and zipped up her handbag. "Lord, give me strength."

She took one last look at the mansion before lifting up her dress and running off into the distance.

Cindy had great memory, so she knew exactly where Ava's cottage was at. It did not take her long to locate the cottage, and she kicked the front door open.

"Ava!" she called. "You and I need to talk." She stepped into the cottage. "It is about Caleb again. How you shot him and put the blame on Dr. O'Connor." She whispered under her breath. "That is what I have video of. You shooting Caleb in your own home."

Ava was not in the same room where Cindy was. In fact, she never came in.

Cindy was thinking. "I wonder if she is hiding. Did she see me coming?"

She saw Cal sitting on the rug and playing with his toys.

"If she is, why was she not hiding with Cal? She definitely wants Caleb away from Cal."

Cal lifted his head up and let out a small gasp. "Oh, no!" he said. "It is the bad lady!"

Cindy raised her hands as she were surrendering, showing him that she was good.

"It is okay, Cal. I am not bad. I am friends with your dad."

He stopped fiddling with his toys. "How can that be? Mommy told me that my daddy is dead."

"Hate to break it to you, but your mommy lied."

"Lied? She would never do that. She is my loving mama!"

"Speaking of her, where is she?"

"She left for an important errand."

"An important errand?"

"Yeah. I do not know where though. She did not tell me."

"So...she left. As in...she is not here?"


"She is nowhere in this cottage?"

"Nope. She is somewhere else. I am the only one here."

"Hmm." She patted her handbag. "Looks like that I will not have to use reinforcements. At least, not today."

Cal resumed playing with one of his toys. It was a toy robot. "What do you want, bad lady? Did you need something from my awesome mommy?"

"No. I actually came to see you." She unzipped her handbag and took out a lollipop. "I was wondering if you want this tasty, juicy, scrumptious lollipop."

The little boy dropped his robot toy, and his little eyes glistened when they landed on the candy. "Heck, yes! I am a kid, and kids love candy."

"Good. But you cannot have this lollipop."

"What? But you just said that I could have it!"

"You may have it all to yourself if you...I do not know...come with me?"

" old do you think that I am? Five?"

"You are five."

"How old do you think that I am? In teen years?"

Cindy sighed. "Your mother is in my car, waiting for you."

"What?! Mommy!" He immediately got up and ran out the door.

Cindy giggled, and her phone buzzed. She pulled it back out. It was an alert. She read the alert...and was shocked.

"Dr. Maxwell is clear of all charges? No evidence against him?"

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