Chapter Thirty-One

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Ash seemed upset. She clenched her hands into tight fists and placed them on her waist. "Mary Sue."

The girl named Mary Sue was startled and spun around. Her finger was an inch from the button. "Ash," she rasped. "You gave me such a scare. How are you?" Her voice kept cracking.

"I caught you in time. Now move your finger and yourself away from the button. Or else."

Mary Sue pulled back her finger and hand, but stayed where she was. "I do not see why you are mad at me. I have done nothing wrong."

"You would have if you activated the button."

She let out a whoosh of air. "What is the big deal? I was about to do a huge favor for you."

"Is that what you call it? Should I go to extreme measures with you? Like placing you in a medical clinic?"

"Oh, Ash. You would never do that. You are only saying that to try to scare me, however, I know you well. You love fictional characters."

"I love most fictional characters. Some of them are..." Our writer's voice caught in her throat. "...copies of the real worlders."

"Do any of you know who Mary Sue is?" I asked the group. "As far as I know, Ash never mentioned a Mary Sue."

Unfortunately, nobody had.

"I wonder if she is associated with being a Mary Sue," Cindy suggested. "A Mary Sue is a fictional character with no flaws. They are considered perfect and usually, if not always, not good characters."

"I would not necessarily call Mary Sue a Mary Sue," Jim said. "Just look at her hair. If she were perfect, her hair would be perfect as well."

I rubbed my chin and squinted at the computer screen. "Why has Ash not brought her up?"

"She is probably ashamed of her," Jenny said.

"Mary Sue has to be one of her own creations. So she being ashamed of her fictional character? That is not the Ash whom we have come to love."

"Do you not hear yourself, Ash?" Mary Sue said. "No matter what you do, whether you shut yourself out from the real worlders or enjoy being with us, your marvelous characters that you brought to life, those pesky real worlders will always be an obstacle for you. A big problem for the fictional characters, especially me."

Ash sighed heavily. "Please. Do not bring this up. I already told you plenty of times. We will not doom any real worlders."

"Aw. Why not? Do you feel sorry for them?"

"I...want to say yes. That I do feel sorry for the real worlders. But...I would be lying. I cannot have condolences for them if they keep returning to the sinful path. I want to just keep them out of my mind."

"And out of your life."

"Not in real life. Crub! I would rather shut myself out from the world."

"You will be lonely if you do that."

"I honestly want to be lonely. And I know what those 'experts' are going to say. That I will go crazy. The thing is that I am already going crazy dealing with the real worlders. I desire to be free from them."

"I do feel bad for our writer," Caleb said.

Mary Sue smirked. "Then you know what must be done."

Ash glanced at the button, and then back at her. "Do not think that I do not know what you are doing."

"Whatever do you mean? I am only trying to help."

"Look, Mary Sue..." She crossed her arms over her chest. "...I get that you desire to help me. Make my life peaceful and not miserable. You are not bad, and I thank you for your concerns. But you cannot end the real worlders' lives."

"I understand. You want to be the one to do that."

"Gosh, no. No! I would never do that. Do you realize how guilty I would be?"

"You would not be guilty. You would be happy!"

Ash went up to her and took her hands into hers. "Mary Sue, you know that I believe in the Lord."

"And it shows. That is another reason why real worlders should go. They do not care for Him."

"Real worlders are His creations, just like me, you, and the other fictional characters. He would be disappointed if we ended the real worlders. I do not need Him to be disappointed."

" will be better without them!"

"You need to trust the Lord. They were created for a reason."

"To annoy you and fictional characters."

"You do not need to like real worlders. You just need to respect them. If you cannot, keep away from them. That is what I am planning to do." She gently gripped Mary Sue's wrist and led her out of the room. "Come on. You need some ice cream."

Then we heard Mary Sue say something that our writer did not question about. We guessed that she did not hear it.

"I will doom them. I will do whatever it takes."

The video ended, and we looked at one another.

"Do you think that Mary Sue activated the button?" Cindy asked.

"It does make sense," I answered. "Are there any more videos?"

Margie searched on the computer. "Nope. That is the only video."

"That is strange."

I happened to look down at the floor to think when I spotted something sticking out from under my shoe. I lifted up my foot and picked up the object. It was a small, blue piece of paper.

This is what it said:

"LaVein and LaVon,
I have tapes 42-58 of File 81. The ones that captured the room with the button. I am borrowing them and will return them as soon as the trial is over. Thanks for the help!"


George Parks"

I let out a gasp. "Guys! I know where the missing tapes are! George has them!"

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