The Necklace

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Barrys POV

"So what's the plan?" Em asked. I assumed they both knew what steps they wanted to take next, but I was completely lost. 

"So uh, before we get into that, does someone want to fill me in?" I asked. 

"Yeah that might be helpful," Wyatt said. "So when we escaped, Em managed to copy a bunch of files from them and take them with us. We are going to use those against them. And with your speed, this should be a piece of cake."

Before I could say anything, Brents' voice boomed through the room. "Chloe! Get back here!" I wasn't aware that little, quiet Brent could shout that loud. Out of thin air, Chloe appeared back in the room, in the same chair as if she never left. 

"How did you-" I said really confused. 

"With this, Em said showing me her watch. "I developed these when we first formed this group. It allows us to jump anywhere. Well, anywhere I have programmed into the watches."

I had her wrist in my hands, completely enthralled with this device. I had toyed around with Cisco before, trying to develop something like this on this size, but we could never figure it out. I didn't realize I had her wrist until she cleared her throat, and my focus was back to reality. 

"Sorry," I said dropping my head a little. She let out a cute little laugh. 

"It's fine," she said. "I've just never seen someone so curious about this before."

"What can I say?" I said with a shrug. "I'm a nerd." As she took her wrist back, I could see her blush a little. 

"If you two are done, can I continue on?" Wyatt asked. Em and I both just nodded our heads. "Thank you. So, Em combed through them all and boy is there a lot of stuff."

Em agreed. "Yeah, I noticed that any time they experimented on a person, they would record it and save it, so I was thinking we could hack into all the computers and other devices and play them on a loop."

"Wouldn't that just be traumatizing?" I asked. "I mean, think about it, there are probably others like you all, and just showing that video could freak them out." I could see they were agreeing with me. "Or even worse, if they still have metas locked up, seeing this could potentially put them at risk."

"I see your point," Brent said with his hand on his chin. We sat in silence for a few more moments, trying to think of something.

"What if we rescue them?" Chloe said. We were all stunned. The more we thought about it, the more we realized that it was a good idea. 


Ciscos POV

"Guys," I said with my head on the desk in the Cortex. "It's no use, he hasn't used his speed. Even if he did, our scanners didn't pick it up. He's nowhere to be found."

"Do you think we should call Wally?" Iris asked. 

"I don't think he'll be of much help. He's off who knows where with the Legends. Last time I talked with him he said they were on their way to London or something," Joe said.

"Well, why don't we just call them then?" Ralph said walking in. 

"Man, where have you been?" I asked. Ralph really knows how to annoy me.

"I was doing some private investigator work, but my trail went cold. I came to see if anyone could help, but I heard you talking about someone being in England. So, just call them," he said.

"I don't think phones were invented back then," Joe said. Ralph had a very confused look on his face and motioned for Joe to continue. "They traveled back to 1801. Something about the Irish and the French, and trying to unite them. I don't know. History ain't my thing."

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