Create The Plan

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Barrys POV

"What necklace?" I asked, utterly confused. Em stood up and threw her chair back, looking under the table for her necklace.

"It's a golden locket," she said with panic in her voice. "I can't lose it, I need to get it back," she said. 

"We'll find it," I said. "I promise."

"Well, at least they can't do anything with it," Wyatt said. Em then stood up and faced him. 

"Really?" she asked. "You know what that means to me, and you're making a joke? Seriously?" 

"Whoa, Em, I know. I'm sorry," he apologized. 

"No, it's fine. I'm just really worried. I can't lose it," she said. A tear streamed down her face. 

"Why is it so important?" I asked. 

"There's a picture of my sister and I. It's the only thing I have left of her." She was really worked up over this. I felt bad. It must have come off when I ran her out of her cell. Only that doesn't make sense. 

"Did you take it off when you were in the pipeline?" I asked her. Brent gave me a questioning glance, but I just shook it off. 

"Why would I do that?" she asked me. 

"I'm not saying you did, I just don't know how it would have come off. Maybe when I phased you out?" I told her.

"Probably. Maybe the metal can't vibrate at your frequency." Now I was confused. What metal can't vibrate on my frequency? Certainly, nothing I've ever come into contact with. I guess Em figured I had no idea what she was talking about. Again.

"It's not from this earth. I know you are trying to figure it out, and no, it's not from earth," she said.

"Yeah, it's like this super strong metal only she can pick up because of her strength," Wyatt said. "I've tried so many times, but I still can't."

"Ok, so it's still at Star Labs, and only you can pick it up," I said thinking out loud. "What if I run us both there, you grab it, and then run us back?" I suggested. It seemed like a pretty decent plan. 

"Yeah, that sounds like a great plan," Chloe said. "Until something goes wrong, you get caught, and it's all gone to hell." She was probably right. 

"True," Wyatt said. "But you have to go back and get it. What if we," he said gesturing to himself, Chloe, and Brent, "create a distraction?"

"Like what?" I asked. 

"Like maybe there is a robbery downtown? And the robbers just happen to have powers?" he said. 

"That sounds good," Em said. I nodded in agreement.

"Only, don't steal anything," I said.

"No, definitely not. We can just think of this more as like, team building?" Wyatt suggested. Brent just slammed his head on the desk causing Chloe, Em, and I to chuckle. 

"I'll go program the bank's location into the watches," Em said getting up, collecting the watches, and walking out of the room.

"Now you guys need a plan," I said. I've learned from experience that you always need a plan, no matter how small the job is. 

"I've got that covered," Wyatt said with a smile. "Brent and I will break into a bank, create a distraction, and when your friends show up, disappear."

"Hello?" Chloe said with a little wave. "Forgetting someone?"

"Well, it won't look as legit if someone who looks like you comes along," he said carefully. Chloe just shot him a look but moved on. 

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