Execute The Plan

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Iris's POV

We were all back up in the cortex now, trying to figure out a plan. "So what your saying is, everything Barry was trying to tell us, was true?"

"Pretty much," Cisco said. I couldn't believe that I had been so ignorant. I mean, Barry is my husband, and because I am too stubborn, I may have lost him for good. 

I looked over at my dad, who was looking at the necklace in the clear box on the desk. Thank god the metal could fall through one of Cisco's breaches.

"Dad?" I asked. He looked up at me as if he wasn't just completely zoned out on that necklace. 

"Hmm?" he asked.

"What are you thinking?" I asked. He had his thinking face on. Despite how hard he tried to hide it, he couldn't.

"Nothing," he said. I wasn't convinced. No one else was either. "I was just thinking, what if they come back for it? They've bound to realize it's missing sooner or later, and chances are this means something to Emerald."

"Probably should have thought about that," Cisco said. We're all so caught up with Barry going rogue that we forgot about everything else. 

"Ok," I said stepping up as team leader. "We need to think of a plan and fast. Who knows when they'll come back."


Wyatts POV

"Ok, so everyone knows the plan?" Em asked. We were all standing by where Barry came in. We were standing in a circle like they do in all the movies. We all had on our outfits and matching masks. It was pretty cool.

We all nodded, and Em shook her head. "Good luck guys," she said grabbing Barry's arm and then vanishing. 

"Good luck," I said before vanishing with Brent. We then reappeared in an alley next to Central City Bank. I high fived him with a smile plastered on my face. 

"Dude, come on," Brent said looking around. Luckily, no one noticed that we just appeared out of thin air. "Let's just get this over with," he said. He kept shifting his weight back and forth, and I could tell he was nervous and on edge. I mean, who wouldn't be? He's just a kid. He shouldn't have to deal with all this crap.

"Look, I know you hate using your powers, but this is for something good. And maybe you won't have to use them?" I said, trying to comfort him.

"Hopefully. You know I can't always control it. If I let my emotions get the best of me, things will get messy. And fast," he replied. 

I wasn't sure what else to say, so we both just waited in silence for Em's signal. 



Barry and I had appeared a few blocks away from Star Labs. He told me not to get to close, in case they had their security up. It's usually not working, or so I was told, but better not take any risks. I turned to look at Barry, who had a nervous look plastered on his face.

"Hey," I said. "It's going to be alright."

"I know," he said. "But what if we get caught?" he asked me. I sighed.

"Don't worry," I said placing my hand on his arm. "We'll escape. I'm pretty good at it you know." He chuckled, which made me smile. 

"It's just," he began saying, "I still love them. They're my family."

"I know," I said. I completely understood the meaning of family, and what it was like to let that go. "Just promise me something," I said.

"Sure," he said.

"Just promise me you're on our side," I said. I knew he was, I mean, I ran the calculations, but for some reason, I needed to hear him say it. 

"I promise," he said. 

"Good," I replied. I turned around to face the street from the alley we were hidden in. "Ok, so how does this speed thing work?" I asked. I was nervous.

"Just hold on tight," he said. Before I knew it, I was lifted off the ground and something hit me with such a great force. I didn't realize I had shut my eyes, but when I opened them, it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. All the building were blurring into one, and the air felt like it was moving with us. Like we were one. 

That feeling only lasted a few seconds though, because before I knew it, we were behind the infamous Star Labs. I wanted that feeling to last, but I knew we had a job to do. I went to my watch and tapped a few buttons. 

"Ok, the cameras won't be able to detect us," I said. I knew if I disabled them completely, they would know something was up. Instead, I gave Barry and I each a small bracelet with a chip in it. That chip sends a signal to the camera, telling it that we are not actually there. 

"This is gonna work," he said. Apparently, he noticed how uneasy I was feeling. I couldn't leave without this necklace. Not when it was the only thing I had left of my sister. 

We made our way to the door and snuck in. Barry led the way since I had absolutely no idea where I was going. We made our way down many sets of hallways. They all looked the same. We finally stopped after a little bit and heard voices. 

"Ok," I heard someone say. "We need to think of a plan and fast. Who knows when they'll come back." 

All I was thinking was, 'shit, they know.' I was going to ask Barry if he knew what we should do next, but his face was telling a different story. "Barry?" I asked, snapping him out of it.

"Sorry," he said. "It's just, that was Iris." Obviously, this person had meaning to him, probably his wife by my calculations, but we had a job to do.

"I know you miss her, but we can't get distracted," I said trying to convince him. 

"Right," he said. "Send the signal." That was much easier than I thought it was going to be. I looked down at my watch, took a deep breath, and sent out the signal. After a few moments, both Barry and I could hear an alarm go off, and someone talking. 

"Guys, there's a robbery down at Central City Bank," he said. "And they have powers. Ralph, Frost, and I will go handle it. Joe, you go with the cops, and Iris, you're on coms."

We then heard some rustling, followed by footsteps. I was planning on booking it, but Barry grabbed me, and he began to phase. It was weird. It was like all the cells in my body drank six red bulls. And I could see everything around me, but no one could see us. I wasn't sure if this applied to talking, so I figured it was better to keep my mouth shut. 

We watched the man I would only assume as Joe pass us and disappear into the elevator. 

Barry then let go of me, and we returned back to normal. 

"What about Iris?" I asked, a little concerned. We didn't think about this part. 

"Don't worry," he said. "I've got an idea."

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