All About Chloe

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Barrys POV 

"Did you get it?" Chloe asked greeting us as we came in. Em held it up by the chain, with a smile plastered on her face. Chloe smiled. "Great!" Then her resting bitch face came back. "Now can we please get back on track?"

"Yeah," Em said. "Are the boys back?"

"I thought they were with you," she said. I could sense the three of us start to worry, but no one wanted to show it. 

"I'm sure they're fine," I said trying to relieve some of the tension. We would have known by now if something went wrong. 

All of a sudden, just as if it were magic, the two boys appeared right behind us. Em let out a smile and went and hugged both of them. I even smiled too, relieved I didn't mess anything up. I swear I even saw Chloe smile too, only for a moment.

"Where were you guys!" Em said slapping their arms after she hugged them. 

"Um, ow!" Brent said rubbing his arm.

"We stopped to grab some Big Belly Burger," Wyatt said rubbing his stomach. "Why, did you guys want some?" Em just rolled her eyes.

"So, did it work?" Brent asked.

"In and out," I said. "No problems whatsoever." Then Chloe came up next to me and slapped something into my chest. She looked me in the eye and said, "for now." Then she walked away. I found she shoved a $20 bill at me. I just chuckled. 

I followed Chloe back to the kitchen area. I sat across from her at the table. I wanted to get to know her more, but I didn't want to be rude about it. I figured the best way to try was to just come out and ask her. 

"What's up red?" she asked, staring at me. That made me rather uncomfortable, but I brushed it off. She watched me shift in my seat.

"My names Barry, you know," I said avoiding her gaze. 

"Don't care, Red suits you better," she said. I nodded. I was starting to guess her superpower was making people feel uncomfortable. 

"Look, I don't want to be rude by asking," I began to say, "but I figured if we are going to be working together, we need to know each other.

"What do you want to know?" she asked. I was a little taken aback. I didn't think she was going to be chill with it. I expected her to get mad, possibly try to hurt me, and storm out. 

"Well, for starters, you know I have speed. What's your power?" I asked. She smiled and held her hand out. I was a little confused until an apple went speeding by my head straight to her hand. She smirked and took a bite out of it. After she swallowed, she said, "mayhem." I assumed that was her code name.

"Cool," I said letting out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding in. 

"Listen Red," she said leaning forward. "It's not that I don't trust you. You seem like a nice guy, it's just," she said. She was trying to find the words, but I think I knew what she was going to say.

"It's just people have betrayed you and let you down," I said. When I said that, I realized I was talking from personal experience. As much love and support, I had in my life, I had just as much hurt and betrayal. 

"Precisely," she said. 

"Look, I know how that feels. To open yourself up, trusting someone with all your secrets, and then they betray you, but I won't do that to you. I've had it done enough to me to know I would never put someone through that."

Now she was the one shifting in her seat. She then sat back, took a deep breath, and looked at me. "My stories a little different than theirs," she said motioning to the door. "I was at home and I was just up in my room getting ready for bed. My mom and dad were downstairs talking in the living room, and I heard glass shatter and shouting. I ran down the stairs, and I saw this woman standing in our living room, next to my mom's body. I thought she was dead, but thankfully she wasn't."

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