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Barrys POV 

It had been a few days since we got Em's necklace back, and we haven't really done much since. Wyatt wanted me to teach him some, 'hero moves,' or whatever that is. I would spar against him, but I always won. I mean, once you train with Oliver Queen, it's pretty hard to lose. 

We were coming around on day four of small talk and training when Em burst through the door to the kitchen. It was around lunchtime, and Brent went to Italy and got pizzas. Turns out you can use the watches for more than just missions.  It was kind of nice not having to worry about the consequences. Almost.

"Guys!" she said.

"Whoa!" Brent said when he saw her face. It looked liked she hadn't slept in days.

"What?" she asked, completely clueless. She probably lost track of the days by my guess.

"Nothing just," Brent said cautiously. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. 

"It's just Prada is quaking right now," Chloe said with a chuckle. I couldn't help but let out a smile too. 

"Well, you know what?" she said with more confidence, "It doesn't matter how I look because I came up with a plan."

Wyatt choked on his drink when she said that. The rest of their eyes went huge. "You finally did it?" Wyatt asked. 

"Thanks to Barry here," she said motioning to me. 

"I'm sorry, what exactly is it that I did?" I asked, a little confused.

"Well," she said walking over and taking a seat. "listening to your conversation with Iris got me thinking, I don't think your friends want to give up with looking for you," she said.

"No, he made it pretty clear," Wyatt said in protest.

"While that is true, they don't seem like the kind of people to just give up that easily. So I hacked into the cameras at Star Labs," she said but I cut her off.

"You what?" I asked.

"Relax Red," Chloe said putting her hand up. 

"So I hacked into the cameras, and they were talking about you, Barry." She looked to see my reaction, but I didn't have one.

"Shocking, I know," she continued on. "Well, one man, didn't you say he was a cop?"

"Joe," I said correcting her.

"Well Joe suggested someone come undercover here to try and bring you back to their team," she said. 

"But that would never happen," Brent said. "We know what they look like."

"I'm sorry, what does this have to do with taking down those government bastards?" Wyatt asked, confused.

Em gave me a look, and I figured out what she was thinking. "No," I said before I could even give her a chance to explain. "No, I'm not doing it."

"Come on Barry!" she pleaded. "This is our only way to infiltrate. We need to get someone on the inside. They'll never even see it coming."

I looked at Em, who just kept pleading, followed by Brent and Wyatt. I was going to keep protesting until I looked at Chloe. I could see in her eyes she was begging me to do this, or at least give it a chance. With a sigh, I finally spoke. "Fine," I said without breaking Chloe's eye contact. 

"Ok, but the bigger question is, how do we get him inside? Won't they know he's the Flash?" Wyatt asked.

"That's the other part," Em said. "I know you gave up being the Flash, but I also know how important it is to you. That being said, if we go through with this, you'd be giving it up. Forever."

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