Complete Control

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Barrys POV

"Red," Chloe asked slowly approaching me. "What's going on?"

Surprisingly, I let her approach me. I know I probably hurt Joe, but I was certain Chloe wasn't going to try anything stupid to keep me here. I mean, right after Zoom killed my dad, they locked me up because they thought I was unstable. Granted I probably was, but I don't need a repeat of that. 

I was trying to think of something to say, but no words were coming out. 

"It's ok," Iris said. "You can tell us."

"I can't," I said.

"Why not?" Ralph asked. 

"Because of Dr. Richards," Em said. "He basically knows everything that Barry says and he knows everywhere Barry has gone."

I nodded in agreement. "Pretty much," I said.

"It's a chip in his head," Brent said. "I would know because I had one too."

Not only was I surprised, but Em, Chloe, and Wyatt seemed shocked too.

"What?" Em asked. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because," Brent said. "It's not something I like to go around advertising. I was one of his first test subjects. Only at the time, the technology didn't work."

"Is it still there?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah," he said. "But's it's fried. My powers made sure of that."

"Can you fry Barry's?" Joe asked.

Brent shook his head. "Not without causing some serious damage."

"His powers let him speed heal," Iris said. I sighed. If only it was that simple.

"It won't work," I said. "The chip has a dampener." I didn't care what I said anymore.

"Which clearly doesn't work," Wyatt said.

"It will in about an hour. Dr. Richards made sure of that," I said. I saw Wyatt shiver.

"I really do hate that man," he said.

"But what did he need? Like what does he need from Star Labs?" Joe asked. I looked down at the USB drive in my hand with the list of all known metahumans in Central City.

I sighed. At this point, Dr. Richards probably already knew what I was doing, so I just decided to tell them everything.

"It's the list of all known metahumans in Central City," I said.

Everyone was stunned. "Cisco, you told us you deleted it!" Iris snapped.

"Well," he said trying to defend himself.

"It's ok," I said sincerely. "He had Felicity encrypt it so no one could access it."

"So why are you taking it if he can't access it?" Caitlin asked.

"Because," a familiar voice said from one of the computers. Everyone looked around to see where it was coming from. 

"No," Emerald said shaking her head.

"I thought we were done with that bastard," Wyatt said.

"Who is it?" Joe said with his hand on his gun holster.

"Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Dr. Richards. And I believe you all have something that belongs to me."

"Barry doesn't belong to you!" Em screamed at the ceiling. "And neither does that damn list!"

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