I'm Barry, Barry Allen

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Barrys POV

It was time. Em and Chloe had made her a costume, which I have to say is not half bad. It looked a little like Sara's suit when she was the black canary. It even had the mask and everything. Although, she did look a little uncomfortable in it.

"Damn," Wyatt said flashing her a smile.

"Don't listen to him," Em said reassuring her. "You look fantastic." Chloe gave her a smile and then turned back to the rest of us. 

"Well red," she said talking to me now, "could I pass for a criminal?" 

I stood up and took a good look at her. Then I smiled. "Definitely," I said. "If I were still the Flash, you bet your ass I would take you down," I said.

"Correction," she said. "You would try to take me down." I just laughed.

"Ok, so we should probably get going," Em said motioning to the door. "Wyatt, Brent, go change into your suits." And by suits, she meant black clothes and masks. "Barry, if there is anything special you don't want to be lost forever then you better leave it here." My hand immediately went to my wedding ring. Even after all we've been through, I couldn't bear to lose it. I decided to take it off and give it to Em. I knew if Iris were to ever find out she'd flip, but I trusted Em.

When Wyatt and Brent went to go change, I had some questions I needed answered. "So, I know what I have to do when I get there," I said, "but anything else I should know?"

"Well, you're just going to use your real identity. I didn't create a new one, because of your not the best liar. Just find out as much as you can and let us know so we can come to get you and rescue everyone else," she said. She didn't look happy about this, and honestly, neither did I. When Zoom had me, it was different. He was just another meta, another villain. Now I was dealing with the law and the government. Once they had me, I wasn't sure I would ever be able to go back. I didn't tell anyone else this though because I didn't want to worry them.

"Barry, let me see your arm," Em said holding up a needle. She injected this serum into my arm, and I couldn't feel it. "Ok, so now you have the microchip. When you go through their scanners, they won't be able to detect it."

I nodded, memorizing every word she said. I wasn't about to go and mess this up. Brent and Wyatt had walked in, and now we were all ready to go.

"Red, once you save the mayor, you can't come back," Chloe said. 

"What?" I asked. "Like, ever?"

"No!" Em said. "What she means is, once you save him, you'll be on your own. You need to remain in public in order for them to come to get you."

"Ok," I said. "I'll just go to Jitters and grab some coffee." That actually excited me a little bit. I hadn't had Jitters in days. I needed a caffeine fix. 

The four of them were now looking at me, with kind of depressing expressions. "When they come to get you," Brent said, "it'll be kind of scary." 

Wyatt continued on since Brent looked like he was reliving what had happened to him. "It's kind of like a SWAT team. They'll come in with guns, and they'll be yelling. Then, they'll take you away."

"After the thing with the mayor happens, it should be fairly fast. They really wanted to get their hands on a speedster," Chloe added.

Em now walked up to me and took my hand. I'll be in Jitters the whole time. You won't recognize me, but I'll be there," she said. That made me feel a little better. I didn't want to be alone, but I also wasn't about to tell them all that. 

"Alright my fellow outcasts, let's go," Wyatt said.

"Outcasts?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, it just kind of came to me. We need a team name, and what better way to describe us all as outcasts?" he said.

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