A Familiar Face

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Barrys POV 

When I woke up, it took me a few moments to remember what happened. I had a splitting headache, so I knew my powers weren't working. Great.

I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move. My hands and feet were bound to a cold, metal table. "This is not creepy at all," I said trying to look at my new surroundings. From what I could gather, I was in some type of lab. But I couldn't see much, because there was a blinding light directly above my head. 

I laid back down because I knew it was no use in fighting it. 

"Mr. Allen," an unfamiliar voice said. I looked around trying to locate the voice, but I couldn't. The overhead light turned off, and the dimmer lights throughout the room switched on. My restraints had opened, and I sat up, but quickly realized I wasn't going far. My head began to spin, and I had to steady myself.

"Welcome back," it said again. "Sorry about the mode of transportation. Just trying to keep things safe. You get how it is."

"Who are you?" I finally asked. My voice was scratchy and I realized I was dehydrated. 

"That is none of your concern," it said again. I finally figured out it was coming from a speaker. There was also a big, black window on the wall opposite me. I knew people were over there, and I knew they could see me. 

"Now, if you would be so kind as to put on the clothes I have left out for you," said again. I walked across the room, and laid out was a matching white shirt and pants. Almost like what someone would wear if they were in a mental health institution.

I looked around, and in the far corner was a divider. I went behind it and changed into the clothes. They were rather uncomfortable, but I don't think it matters to them. When I came back out, I made sure I was ok. 

Overall, I was the same as before they took me, except on my arm, there was a number, but no scar. 

"That," the voice said again startling me, "is a power dampener. Just trying to take precautions."

Em, and the rest of them must have dug the dampener out after they escaped. I also wondered how they actually did escape. This place seemed like a fortress. 

Before I could let my mind wander too far, a door next to the glass slid open, and a man in a lab coat walked in. I didn't realize, but I began to back into the corner. Without my powers, I felt vulnerable. 

"Barry," he said. "You have nothing to fear. I mean, you're a hero!" he said. He was of average height and had no hair, except for his short beard and mustache. He did, however, wear these circular framed glasses. Other than that, he seemed like a pretty normal guy. 

"Where am I?" I asked. 

"Don't worry, you're safe," he said in a reassuring tone. I rubbed my hand against my arm with the microchip in it. I was trying to secretly tell Em that I was safe, but I stopped when the doctor started laughing. 

He stopped when he realized I was watching him. "Oh no please," he said gesturing to my arm. "Try to contact your friends." He then held a small vile up with a familiar liquid in it. My eyes widened, as I now realized my only way out was in their hands. I was trapped. 

"I know about you and your so-called, friends," he said taking a step closer to me. I could now clearly read his name tag: Dr. Anthony Richards.

"Dr. Richards," I said. I was about to explain, but he cut me off. 

"It's sir," he said, "to you."

I nodded. "Now," he said turning his head to the door. Suddenly, two guards appeared. They looked like the ones from Jitters. "Shall we?" They walked up next to me, and grabbed my arms, guiding me away.

We walked along many hallways, all of which looked the same. They were white and had white doors with labels. My mind was racing to much for me to actually read any of them. As we walked, Dr. Richards talked to me.

"Barry, you're here to help the greater good. We have been looking for someone of your talents and gifts for a long time," he said. "And now, you have come to help us."

Now we turned down a different hallway. This one had rooms with glass looking onto the hallway. Inside, there were people. Just people though. No furniture or anything. They all looked scared, and some gave me apologetic looks as we walked down. 

We were almost at the end when we stopped and I felt myself being thrown to the ground. By the time I got up and could register what happen, the door locked. I was alone. I banged on the glass, but I knew that wouldn't do anything.

Dr. Richards now appeared in front of me, with the glass separating us. I was leaning on it, glaring at him. 

He smiled. "You and I are going to have a lot of fun together," he said. Then he walked away, leaving me alone again. 

"Hey!" I said banging on the glass. "You can't do this!"

"It's no use," I heard someone say across the hall. I thought I recognized the voice, but I didn't talk back to him. Instead, I pressed my body against the side wall and slid down. 

Despite my best efforts, I let a few tears fall. I looked at my arm and studied the new number. 


I guess that is what defined me now, a number. I wasn't sure what was to come in the next few days, but I was scared. 

I guess the person across the hall was watching me because he spoke again.

"Don't worry," he said. "You'll get used to it."

I leaned forward, trying to get a good look at who it was, only his back was to me.

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"I'm 121991," he said. 

"No, I mean, what's your name?" I asked again.

He chuckled. "I haven't been asked that in a long time," he said. 

"My name is Barry," I said, trying to show him he could trust me. He sat up, still facing away, but I could tell he recognized my name. When he turned around, I was completely shocked. 

Standing in the cell across from me, was Wally. 

"Barry?" he asked, with a tear falling down his cheek.

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