It's All A Distraction

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Brents POV

"What's taking so long?" I asked. I know how much this means to Em, but I really hate using my powers. I mean, I can't really control it.

"Just have some-" Wyatt said, but was cut off. He looked down at his watched and shrugged. "Nevermind. Alright Bee, you ready?"

"As I'll ever be," I said. We both put our masks on and entered the bank. When we walked in the front door, it looked pretty average. There wasn't a ton of people there, but a few tellers and some customers. No one noticed us when we came in, but I think Wyatt had that part covered.

He flew up in the air, which earned some stares. He hovered probably ten to fifteen feet off the ground and began to speak. Well, actually he laughed. Meanwhile, I was just trying my best to cover up my nervousness. I just kept telling myself I looked badass in the leather jacket.

After laughing, his face went blank. Then he simply said, "get out."

Everyone was too afraid to move. Wyatt looked down at me, and I knew it was my turn. I took a step forward and let out a grin. "Get," I said with my eyes glowing red, "out." I didn't yell or scream. I kinda wanted it to be creepy, not loud and scary. The only thing I could control was my eyes, and that seemed to do the trick. Before I knew it, everyone was scurrying out like mice. 

Once everyone left, Wyatt came down. "Dude that was awesome," he said trying to give me a high five. 

"Don't worry," I said. "Now the real fun will begin." After that I pressed my watch, sending Em her signal.


Ciscos POV

When Frost, Ralph, and I arrived at the bank, it was total chaos. Everyone was running out in every direction. After fighting our way through the crowds, we finally made it inside, only to see two familiar figures standing in the lobby. 

"Well, well, well, now what do we have here?" Frost said with her signature smirk. She even let her hands get icy too.

"Seems to me like we got a couple of bank robbers," Ralph said trying to play the part of a hero. I was about to tell him off, when the shorter, rather thinner one spoke. 

"Who said anything about bank robbers?" he said. His eyes then glowed red, and I knew exactly who they were. 

"Guy's it's a trap," I said shocked. Then I yelled into my coms, hoping Iris could hear me. "Iris! It's a distraction!" Only she didn't reply. 

"Nah," the man said again. "We're just here to have some fun." 

"Who are you?" Ralph asked. 

Now the other man spoke. "The name's Thunder," he said with a little bow. "And here is my friend Bee. But don't worry, that doesn't matter."

"It will when we take you down," Ralph said again. Before I could step in and stop Ralph from doing something I knew he would regret, Bee's eyes were glowing red. And so were Ralph's. He was clutching his head and falling to his knees. Then after a few moments, he was passed out cold with blood dripping from his nose and ears.

"Your gonna pay for that," I said. 

"Calm down," Thunder said. "It's an even fight now." He lept off the ground and began to fly, which was quite a shock. I turned to Frost, who nodded and ran around trying to shoot him down. 

I took a step towards Bee, who was staring right at me. 

"Nice to meet you in the flesh," he said. 

I didn't say anything. Instead, I tried to blast him, but he dodged my multiple attempts. "You missed," he said with a grin. Before I could make my next move, he tapped his watch and disappeared. Same with Wyatt. 

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