Jail Break

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Barrys POV

"So, what exactly is the plan Ralph?" Brent asked as we both exited our cells.

"Well, it was to find you guys, but now we just need to get Emerald and get out of here," he said.

We were very cautious as we followed Brent down the familiar white hallways, trying not to get caught.

"And then the rest," I said.

"What?" Ralph asked. I gotta admit, it was a little weird talking to Ralph when he wore Dr. Richards face.

"We are going back for the rest of them, right?" I asked. "We can't just leave them."

Ralph didn't say anything. I was going to remind him again that we couldn't leave them behind, but Brent stopped us. We peered around the corner and spotted a group of doctors.

"Crap," Ralph said.

"Do we have to go that way?" I asked. Brent nodded.

"Ralph, you need to pretend to be Dr. Richards. All you have to do is act confidently and if they talk to you, remember you're supposed to have a sick, dark, twisted sense of humor," Brent said. 

"I got this," he said letting out a breath. 

"Barry, just keep your head down and we'll be fine," Brent said. I nodded in agreement. 

"Here we go," I said. 

Brent turned the corner, followed by me, and then Ralph was on our right. There were three doctors, two girls, and one male. 

"Dr. Richards," one girl with brown hair in a braided ponytail said.

"Fellow doctor," Ralph said back to her, which earned a confused stare from the three of them. If my life wasn't on the line, I would have slapped him. 

We were just about passed when the male spoke up. He was rather tall, had brown hair, and some scruff on his face. "Dr. Richards?"  

Brent stopped, then I stopped. "Don't move," Ralph said to us. We both moved against the wall and did as we were told.

"Yes?" Ralph said.

"I couldn't help but notice you didn't have your tablet with you," he said. They were suspicious of him. This was bad. Brent and I shared a worried glance. 

"Oh, well, you see," Ralph said trying to think of an excuse. Meanwhile, I knew Brent could read minds so I tried to send him a message. 

Hey, tell Ralph he needed us for leverage against the intellect. Use those exact words.

I could see Brent focus on Ralph, and surprisingly it worked.

"You see, I need these two for leverage against the intellect," he said. Ralph even took it a step further. "We have used our usual methods, but nothing working."

"I see," the blonde doctor said. "Would you like us to begin the procedure on the next subject?"

I could see Ralph struggle to answer this. As much as I hated it, he had to play along. 

Tell Ralph to go along with it.

"Yes," Ralph said. "And please notify me when you have completed."

"Yes, sir," the male said. Ralph then nodded, turned, and urged us along. A few minutes later, we finally reached the hallway with the exit. We stopped, waited, and within minutes, Cisco and everyone else showed up. 

"Hey dude," Cisco said to me, wrapping me in a hug. Honestly, I was relieved. When I broke away from the hug, I jumped back into action. 

"Ok guys, go rescue everyone," I said, but I lost my train of thought. "Ralph?" I asked.

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