Mission Report

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Barrys POV

Waiting was the worst part. I don't know how long it had been, but Wally had been gone a while. And as worried as I was about him, there was nothing I could do. Nothing but sitting here, helpless. 

I let my mind wander because there wasn't anything else to do. I kept thinking about someone coming to rescue me, and it reminded me of the time Kara and I were stuck in that musical. Oh, what I would give to be stuck in a musical with Kara again. At least then I could escape. 

I was so deep within my thoughts that I didn't realize Dr. Richards walk up. 

"Mr. Allen," he said with a smile. I also noticed the two guards by his side. "Your turn." Then the door opened, and the two guards walked in. When they got me on my feet, they shoved me out the door and guided me down the long hallways. 

I didn't bother trying to run or break away, because there wasn't really anywhere to go. Instead, I began to mentally prepare for whatever I was about to witness.

We turned down another hallway that looked the exact same as the other ones. I didn't think anything of it until I saw Wally on the other end. 

I called out his name, but that earned me a punch to the gut. After catching my breath, I looked back up to see if he noticed me, but he didn't. He had a dazed look in his eyes and he walked past me. 

"What did you do to him?" I asked a little aggressively. 

"He's just helping us out," he said. 

"He's just a kid!" I said. "He doesn't deserve this."

"Listen," Dr. Richards said, now facing me. "When you have abilities like your friend Wally, it doesn't matter if your a kid. He has a chance to help the greater good." He then turned around and continued walking.

"Don't you see?" he said, continuing to talk, "your friend Wally and many others like him can help save us. We could end terrorism, stop wars before they start, they are the key to saving us."

"You mean to complete power and absolute rule," I said.

"We are doing this for the betterment of humanity," he said. "You may not like our methods, but they are effective."

"Look, I've witnessed dictatorship first hand. What your doing is unethical," I said. 

We stopped in front of double doors at the end of a hallway. "I'll be the judge of that." Then he entered, I was forced to follow. 

Inside, it looked like the room I first woke up in. Actually, it was almost an exact replica. The only difference was instead of a cold, metal table, there was a chair. It looked almost like a chair you would see at the dentist.

The guards put me in the chair, making sure the straps were tight around my wrists and ankles so I couldn't escape. 

"Just wait outside the door," Dr. Richards said to the guards. They nodded and both left. 

"Now," he said focusing his attention towards me. He picked up some of his tools, examining them.

"What, is that supposed to scare me?" I asked. I had been through much worse. After being kept in a Nazi camp on earth-x, held captive by zoom on earth-2, and trapped in gorilla kingdom on earth-2, there was nothing new that could scare me.

He stopped examining his tools and looked at me. "Oh, well, it should," he said expressionlessly. I will admit, that kind of scared me a bit. 

"So what's the plan," I said trying to not only find out as much information as I could but to keep him distracted as well. "Experiment on me until I tell you all my secrets?" I asked.

"No," he said walking over. "I just need to make you compliant. And after spending some time with your friend Wally, it shouldn't be that hard." 

Now that, freaked me out. I tried to break free of the restraints, but they weren't budging. Then he placed a mask over my mouth. I kept trying to break free, but everything began to spin. I could hear his voice fade away as he counted back from ten, and despite my better interests, I let myself slip into the darkness. 


Iris's POV

After getting those introductions out of the way, we all felt a little more comfortable with each other. We didn't all trust each other, but that would probably come with time. Emerald, Wyatt, Chloe, and Brent were now giving us the finer details of their plan.

I have to say, even though it backfired, it seemed like a very well thought out plan. They accounted for everything. Well, almost everything. 

We now were brainstorming ideas on how to get him out, but we were cut off by the sound of the alarm.

"Cisco?" I asked. 

"Oh, it's nothing," he said. "Wally's here. He must have tripped the alarm when he came in."

Chloe walked over and looked at the screen. "He doesn't look like he wants to stop and chat," she said.

I now walked over and saw Wally standing there. Only, he looked a little distant. Emerald also glanced at the screen, and she had a worried look on her face as well.

"Look at his arm," she said. 

"Is that a tattoo?" Cisco asked. Emerald rolled up her sleeve and showed us a similar tattoo. 

"That's not Wally," she said. We were all confused. 

"They had him all this time?" my dad asked.

"Dad," I said. "There was no way we could have known."

"The better question is," Chloe said, "why does he look like he wants to kill us?" Before any of us could respond, Wally sped up into the cortex. 

"Wally," I said cautiously, trying to approach him. "It's me, Iris. Your sister." 

"Flash," was all he said. 

"Flash? As in Barry?" Ralph said. Wally's head snapped towards him, and he approached him. 

"Where is he?" Wally snarled. 

"They don't know," Cisco said. 

"They don't know what?" Emerald asked. Wally didn't seem to notice their side conversation.

"That Barry is the Flash."

"Wally," I said. He didn't look at me. "The Flash isn't here," I said. Now he was in front of me. I could see the emptiness in his eyes, and the dark circles underneath. 

"Wally," I said. "What did they do to you?" He didn't answer.

"I have an idea," Cisco said. He walked out from behind the desk. "I saw this in a comic once."

"This oughta be good," Chloe said.

"Wally?" he said cautiously. 

"Cisco, what are you doing?" my dad asked. Cisco just waved him off. 

"Flash," he said and that got Wally's attention.

"Where?" he asked.

"Wally, mission report."

We thought Cisco was insane, but Wally seemed to understand that. "Terminate the Flash," he said.

I gasped. "Cisco, we need to lock him in the pipeline. Like now," I said. 

I looked over and saw Frost take over. "Open a breach," she said as she froze Wally. Cisco did as he was told, and before we knew it, he was in the pipeline, defrosting.

"We'll deal with him later," Cisco said. 

"I can't believe that Wally has been there all this time," my dad said. 

"There was no way you could have known," Wyatt said. 

"What do you think happened to him?" Ralph asked. 

"The same thing that happened to the rest of us," Brent said. "Either you comply, or they make you."

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