Don't Get Caught

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Barrys POV

After I changed, I was being escorted down the long hallways again. I wasn't quite sure what they were going to make me do, but I did know I was not going to like it. 

I just thought about our so-called 'great plan' to infiltrate this place and stop them from hurting more people. Hopefully, Emerald and the rest of them can get me out. I wish I hadn't burned my bridges with team flash. I know they would be looking for me. Only they had no idea. 

We walked out a door at the end of one of the hallways, and we were suddenly outside. The light blinded me at first, due to the fact I had been kept in a cell for who knows how long. 

"Alrighty," Dr. Richards said. "I gave Wally 12 hours to complete his task. You'd better hope he did, or else you're going to run into trouble."

"I'm sorry?" I asked. I was confused as to what he needed me to do. 

"Once Wally got the Flash out of the picture, I am able to send you in to do your part. I need you to break into Star Labs and get me the list of the meta-humans that you all stole from us last year."

"No," I said shaking my head. I was not about to break into Star Labs.

"Think of this as a test. A test of your loyalty. You can either remain yourself, or I can make you a mindless drone. The choice is completely up to you," he said. 

"Even if I were to break in, how would I get the list? I know for a fact that it doesn't exist anymore," I said.

"No, it does," he said. "Some of our best hackers were able to trace the signature of the file. The only problem is, it's been encrypted by someone with the name Overwatch."

Only one person comes to mind, Felicity. Cisco must have saved that file. Even though he told me he deleted it. 

"Use this drive," he said handing me a thumb drive. "The file will automatically download onto it. That way we can access it from here as opposed to online."

"And what happens if I don't do this for you,"  I asked.

"You'll become a mindless drone, and I'll make you kill all your friends and family. Now, stop asking silly questions," he said. I gulped. I guess I didn't have a choice. "Also, when you complete this task, bring Mr. West back. I'm not through with him." My heart sunk. 

"And before you get any bright ideas," he said, "I'm able to track you. So if you're thinking about making a run for it, don't. I put a chip in your head. Mr. Allen," he said taking a step closer to me, "I own you."

Those words stung.

"Now get a move on," he said. "We don't have much time."

I looked at him one last time but then ran away. I know I've had to make impossible choices in the past, but this was like none other. I had to do this. I had to do whatever he said. I couldn't put my friends and family at risk. 

The city looked different as I ran. It looked unprotected. I regretted leaving. I thought I was able to help Emerald, but all I've done is made the situation worse. 

Hopefully, the team found Wally and was able to save him. He doesn't deserve this. 

I stopped in the back of the building so I wouldn't be picked up by the detectors. The only bright side about this was that Gideon accepted my commands among all others. Perks of being a genius. 

I broke the lock on the back door and made my way inside. I walked through the familiar hallways and made my way to the cortex. If Cisco kept that list, it had to be backed up on the Star Lab servers. 

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