A Horrible Idea

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Barrys POV

"Barry?" Wally asked, in complete disbelief. I was completely frozen. Why was Wally here? "What are you doing here?" He was pressed up against the glass now. Same as I. We were both really concerned not about our own well being, but about each other. 

"I could ask you the same question," I told him. Things just got a lot more complicated. "What happened to the Legends?" I asked.

"Well, after we took down mallus, I realized I needed to see everyone. Then I was going to go back. When we landed," he said, but I cut him off.

"Wait, whos mallus?" I asked.

"Time demon," he said. "Not important though." Of course not. My mistake. "Anyways, when we came back from Zambesi in 1942, I thought everything was back to normal. I ran on my old route by the waterfront, but this time they were waiting for me."

"Wally, how long have you been here?" I asked.

"Don't know," he said looking off into the distance. "The days eventually blur, so it's hard to tell." I slid back down to a sitting position. If Wally couldn't get out, then I was really screwed. 

"So what about you?" Wally asked. 

"Well, I left team Flash," I said. His eyes widened with disbelief. "Long story, I'll tell you a different time. Anyways, I'm working with this other team now, and they escaped from here a while ago."

"Were there four of them?" he asked.

"Yeah, do you know them?" I asked, hopeful.

"No, not personally. I just heard some guards talking about their escape. After they did, everything changed."

"Well, I'm supposed to be undercover. One of them has heightened intelligence, and she created something for me to contact them when I was taken. Obviously, it didn't work. I was caught," I said. "Do you even know what they want with us?"

"All I know is, they needed a speedster. They tested me and experimented on me for what seemed like forever," he said. I could hear him trying to cover up the crack in his voice. I could tell he was trying to stay strong. "When they realized I wasn't fast enough, they grouped me with the other metahumans and began to look for a new one."

"Me," I said shaking my head. It was a lot to grasp. "So, what do you mean group?"

"There are two main groups. Test subjects, that's me and most likely your new friends, and then there are the ones who work for them. Usually, it's people they are done experimenting on."

"Wait, but that means," I said with a sudden realization.

"Yeah," he said with a sigh. "I'm next."

"Wally," I said with sadness in my voice. This isn't the life I wanted for him. All he ever wanted was to be a hero with speed, and this is how the world repays him. 

"But don't worry," he said. How could I not worry? "I've heard that once you start working for them, you don't remember who you are. So at least if they make me hurt people, I don't know I'm doing it." That didn't make me feel any better.

"So do you know what's gonna happen to me?" I asked. 

"Well, they start off by running some tests, kind of like Cisco would. It doesn't seem that bad, but then it gets pretty gruesome."

"Hoe bad we talking?" I asked.

"Oliver Queen probably couldn't handle it," he said. I didn't really want to know more, so I just stopped talking. I can't believe the plan got screwed up. I just wasn't sure what was happening on the outside. If they knew something was wrong, they would come looking for me. If they didn't, I better get comfortable here. 

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and I saw Wally stumble to the back of his cell. I took a step towards the glass, and I could see he was shaking with fear. Then Dr. Richards stopped in front of us. He turned to me, giving me a smile, and then turning to Wally.

"So, Mr. West, are you ready?" he asked. Wally didn't respond, and I guess Dr. Richards didn't like that. "I asked you a question boy," he said yelling. Wally flinched as he said it, and I snapped. 

"Hey!" I said pounding on the glass. "Leave him alone. Take me instead."

"Don't worry Mr. Allen," he said. "You will get your time." Then, two guards went in, dragging Wally out against his will. Normally, I am a pretty optimistic person, but I honestly wasn't sure if I would ever see him again. 



"Guys, it's been hours," I said to the group. We still hadn't heard from Barry yet. I was starting to get worried. 

"Maybe he got caught," Chloe said with no remorse. I gave her a worried/angry look, and she threw her hands up. "What? We need to consider all the possibilities."

"Yeah, I just hope that one isn't true," Brent said. 

"Is there any way to track him?" Wyatt asked.

"I tried that, but the microchip is not online," I said. "And I know I have heightened intelligence, but I can't hack into the cities grid. I'm not advanced enough."

"Emerald," Brent said standing face to face with me now. He never used my full name. No one ever did. That's how I knew he was being sincere. "Calm down. Take a deep breath."

I gave him a smile. "Thanks," I said. Sometimes I forget he is only a kid. He is so mature for his age. 

"So if you're stuck, who can help us to get unstuck?" Wyatt asked. We all thought about it for a moment, but I saw Chloe roll her eyes.

"Chlo?" I asked. 

She looked me in the eyes. "I have a horrible idea," she said, "but it may be our only hope."


Iris's POV

It's been a few hours since the whole Jitters thing, and we were all back in the cortex. You'd think we lived here because we spend all our time here. 

"Iris!" my dad said running in. He had to finish up some things at the station, so he didn't know about Barry. 

"Dad," I said hugging him. "I'm ok."

"I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you," he said stroking my hair.

"I'd hate to break up the family moment," Cisco said cutting in, "but we have more pressing matters."

"Such as?" my dad asked.

"It's Barry," I said cautiously.

"What about him?" he asked, more concerned.

"They took him," Cisco said.

He looked like someone took a hammer straight to his heart. He was also trying to hold back tears. "Well, how do we get him back?" he asked.

"I don't know," Cisco said in defeat.

"You may not know," an unfamiliar voice said, "but we do." We all turned to see who it was, but no one recognized them. Well, all except Cisco.

"Who are you?" Ralph asked.

"They're Barry's new friends," Cisco said. 

"That doesn't matter now," the girl said again. They all were wearing matching black outfits and masks. The girl removed hers, and we now could see it was Emerald.

"Emerald?" I asked. 

"Yeah. And this is Brent, Wyatt, and Chloe. And we need your help saving Barry."

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